June 2203 K.M. anyone?

by Lisa Lefteye 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I'm with rocketman . Thought it was going to be one of those very cool and humorous futuristic threads .

  • libra_spirit

    So I assume you are going to set up a profile on jwmatch.com is that correct?

    LOL! good luck.

    I have mixed feelings about jwmatch.com. On the one hand it does seem to give those still totally in the Org a way to find marriage partners and I wish them the best. On the other hand it might be fun to put up an add that is maybe more accurate and funny. In light of all those great gals who appear to measure up and have stated so in thier adds, I wonder if it would be ethical to infiltrate thier cyberspace.

    After all what would it really acomplish, other then to prove that us Ex-JW's are liars........

    Lets see mine might read,

    Brother weak in the truth seeking a suck up gal to follow my every wish and command. I am into tight control, insist on an absolutely neat and clean home, desire all meals exactly on time, and never any lip. I try to follow the Elders in all petty matters of life, I try to ignor the failed Bible Chronology, I don't read any apostate materials except for a few million internet pages, and I love oral S##.

    I wonder if there scanner can recognise insincerity?

    Well somehow I don't think my add would stay up very long.LOL! I wonder if they would even refund my $100 yearly subscription?

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I thought this would be another bogus Armageddon prediction thread, but it's still amusing.

    I believe it opens with Song No. 46: Highway to Hell and closes with Song No. 102: She Works Hard for the Money.


  • ColdRedRain

    June 2203 KM: Excerpts

    Brothers and Sisters, We know that we've arrived closer and closer to the time of the end. With the current situations going on in the United States Of North America (Formerly Canada, United States of America, Mexico and the Hawaiian Republic), we've been alerted that the time has finally come.

    A quote from the New York Times, from New York City, New York, USA, USNA states this:

    "The current terrorist attacks by the robot Arabs and the War in the Babylonian Empire has prompted us to ask if the endtime religions that have been a part of the old USA's religious landscapes for the past 300 years could have been right? That the end may be comming soon? The USNA and the former countries that made it up haven't been this hotly involved in foreign affairs since the administration of President Ronald W. Bush, Great Great Grandson of former 2 term President George W Bush (I put that in just for you, Simon :) ) and Great, Great Great Grandson of President Ronald Reagan (Who recently had The Department Of Defense named after him in his honor.), who faced a Cold War with the Martians in 2184"

    Even secular worldly sources are wondering if it's the time of the end. Imagine that brothers, a worldly journalist who is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church agrees that this is the end time.

    The current war in Robotic Arabia and the Babylonian Empire proves one thing..... We're living closer to the time of the end. Jehovah's day is near. And when Jehovah's day is near, do not make the mistake of falling to worldly habits, like thinking about what Jesus would do in a time like this, taking vaccinations and sinning against god, or taking in blood transfusions, except in cases of concience where red blood cells are needed for healing.

    Remeber, stay close to Jehovah, and his Earthly Mouthpeice, the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, The "Little Flock", the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and the "Great Crowd" the 2 By 2 Workers.

  • jwsons

    June 9 : Song 81

    June 16: 55

    June 23: 95

    June 30: 3

    July 7: 165

    But I never sing any song from 2000 HeHeHe!!!!!


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