Maybe I'm just lucky, but my new husband who has never even been to church treats me better than my first husband who was raised a JW. My first husband was an alcoholic who had no respect for women. I suffered with a lot of verbal and emotional abuse.If I wasn't in a romantic mood, then there was something wrong with ME. He always tried to give me advice on how to improve myself. My new husband whom I met at a birthday party at a local nightclub fell for me the first time we met. He treats me like gold. He rarely drinks and when he does, he never gets falling down drunk. I have been with him since '97 and he has never cursed at me or ever insulted me. He loves me for who I am. My JW husband would call me every name in the book when he was mad at me. This will sound really stupid to some of you, but we get along so well, it is as if God brought us together. Our marriage is just too good sometimes and I can't help but wonder if we were MEANT to be together. Out of all the men I could've ended up with, it was one that any JW would have told me would be a disaster. Any other good stories out there?
How many of you are remarried to a "WORLDLY" spouse and are HAPPIER now?
by Jessica Rabbit 28 Replies latest jw friends
Count me in, but then I wonder how happy our spouses are that have to hear about this crap every day. Rev ---------- -
I'm Looking!
Yep, that would be me.
I couldn't have a five minute conversation with my first (JW) wife without her somehow turning the conversation to what was wrong with me. And that was if it was a pleasant conversation; more often I'd say something she didn't like and she'd start screaming at me. She was violent and abusive and basically psychotic (she thought witches were following her around to try to get her to join their coven).
After we broke up, I reunited with my (worldly) high school sweetheart - the one I dropped because I was becoming a JW and couldn't have a "worldly" girlfriend. We've been married since October of 2001, and have yet to have an argument or raise our voices to each other. She's constantly telling me how great I am (someday, maybe I'll start to believe her).
Life is good (well, my job kind of sucks, but apart from that).
Jessica Rabbit
Hey Neon,
I am so happy for you. I know what you mean. My husband compliments me! He says I am the best thing that ever happened in his life.
Ooo!!!! Pick me, pick me!!!
My first husband was a JW. To him, I was a roommate that he could sleep with when he chose. To him, I wasn't sexy unless I put lots of makeup on and dressed up, whilst he was just fine wearing sweats and a ratty shirt. To him, foreplay was 5 minutes (IF I was lucky) and then he'd ask, "Is that enough? Are you ready yet?" To him, rape was a great way to get off. We argued constantly, because I am independent.
My "worldly" husband is wonderful. Sure, he has his little habits that are annoying, just like I do. But we do not argue. He respects my opinions and is not demanding. He thinks I'm gorgeous even when I look like something the cat dragged in. :) In the bedroom, I come first no matter how tired he is. He likes that I am independent, strong-willed, and intelligent. He compliments me on it. :)
And he opened my eyes to a whole new world (god that sounds sappy) of things I had never known before.
Me Too!
My husband has no interest in religion at all. He treats me with love, respect and kindness.
My JW ex-husband was an emotional cripple, and psychotically tightfisted to boot!
Lady Lee
Count me in. My new hubby (almost 2 years) would never force me to do things I didn't want to do. Would never push the Bible or God down my throat to get sex. Would never hit children.
He is just a big ole teddy bear.
Unlike the first elder-with-an-attitude-husband
Jessica Rabbit
I just love knowing I wasn't the only one experiencing this new happiness!
Wolfgirl, I think I married your husbands cousin the firstime. I definitely get to speak my mind now and my hubby respects me more for that.
Lady Lee, I hear ya! I'm glad you have your big ol' teddy bear and I'm glad "Mr. Attitude" is out of your life.