At face value, I would agree, but you have to consider that:
- Paul didn't report to anyone.
- He wasn't married.
- He didn't visit congregations often. In fact, he only made three trips in his career.
- He didn't write that many letters or give that many talks compared to the COs.
- I wonder about his door-to-door activity?
When you read his letters, you read them back to back, but fail to remember that they cover a period of 30 years! Not that I expect everything to be reported, but 3 trips over 30 years!! Compare that with today's Circuit Overseers (COs) who spend their lives, along with their wives, on the road. Sure, some of them have semi stable places like an appartment linked to a convention center or a kingdom hall, but a great deal of them need to move from one place to the next on a weekly basis. Then are expected to be in field service full time reporting their hours and preparing talks and organizing meetings for pioneers and elders and field services and the list goes on.
And with all this, they only get 2 or 3 weeks of vacation per year! Imagine, you have a job that pays so little that the government don't tax you, makes you work around 50 hours a week with a schedule spread through evenings and weekends and no retirement plan.
I find it difficult to complain about them getting too much money when these people are probably the most dedicated and selfless individuals on the face of the Earth.
That being said, are they needed? Nope. They could do as much as the Apostle Paul did, which isn't that much compared to everything they do. The reality is that true Christians don't need that much control. However, religions, any religion, desire greater control over people, and controlling people takes time. So they end up paying individuals to work full time for them!