Thanks for all the great comments. Got back in town so I have some time to reply.
SPARROWDOWN- I totally agree with your take. I remember when I used to be a JW - really weird people would come into the congregation claiming to be the 2nd coming of Jesus- or whatever- and act all " spiritual " - then later you'd find out they had extorted JW's in other congregations by financially bilking people out of their money- or something strange like that. Kingdom halls are public buildings so we never knew who might show up. The experience you shared was really creepy about that guy. Wow. Shows how careful we had to be , or how careful we should have been as JW's. Thanks for sharing that experience.
STILL TOTALLY ADD- I'm so sorry to hear that you were abused as a child. I hope you have been able to heal since then to some extent. But you are right - all of us were trained as young kids to always trust the elders and never question anything- which set a dangerous precedent and trend in every congregation for abuses of all types to take place. I'm sorry you had to suffer my friend. They controlled us through fear.
LOVEUNIHATEXAMS- Good points you make. It's like most JW's have " blinders " on and don't even notice other adults spending too much time with minor children. Way too much trusting going on to the point of being gullible and naïve to the dangers posed. And how people substitute names like " auntie " and " uncle " - exactly. Steve Hassan mentioned even the use of " brothers " or " sisters " is a way that all mind control cults try to substitute people in their churches or congregations to replace our real family relatives. Pretty creepy really.
PETE ZAHUT- Good points. I saw so many JW's taken in by financial schemes due to their being gullible and really uninformed about money and how the financial world really works. I'm so sorry to hear that your male relative was abused by an adult JW woman. That's really sad. And that he took all the guilt upon himself - yet she sat smugly in the congregation not feeling any regret or remorse. It's disgusting how she ruined that young man's life. But I bet nothing was ever done in the congregation to her by the elders as far as discipline as her own husband never found out. She should have had her ass thrown into jail ! Sick.
IOWNMYLIFE- Little red flags indeed ! Thanks for sharing that weird experience. An elders wife saying it's " O.K. " that this young man held a knife to his wife's neck because he's regular at meetings and in service. Exactly the point I'm making in this thread. Thank you. The things JW's justify and make excuses for are absolutely incredible and unbelievable ! Total insanity. Mind control in action.
CHOOK- Good points about child abuse not being mentioned in the Bible. That is really weird. Never thought about that before. And you're right- JW's jump through all kinds of mental hoops to justify their denials.
SMIDDY- Great points you make about the JW child abuse issue endangering children and families within communities. That is SO true. Anybody in the congregation can go knock on doors without elders or any other JW knowing and if it's a pedophile - it makes it even more dangerous. You would think that just the liability factor against the WT Society in that scenario would make them change their child abuse policies- but not so. WT leaders are too arrogant to change. They feel they are above the laws of the land. Pretty disgusting. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper