My wife pointed out that in Italy the commenters might chastise the Brothers on the left for their antiquated fashion sense.
Watchtower today
by Gorbatchov 43 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, I personally don't like the suits that look like suits they wore when they were 13 years old, trying to look like adolescent boys.
Flood water pants.............
Just because something is new doesn't make it good or appealing.
I grew up in the 60's, with gogo boots, mesh shirts, hiphuggers, fluorescent green, girls starving themselves to look like Twiggy, and my negative feelings were not caused by WT statements. I felt it made us look unattraictive. Sure a few did achieve it. Every new fashion trend is "new" but just as ugly.
So whatever person or group you are following, are you trying to imitate them, or do what looks good on you.
Rant done.
They have very few chairs???
We were in a KH that took out 5 rows of chairs because people would sit in them and then the five rowis in the front were totally empty. They didn't want visitors to realize how few people were attending.
All I see is the incessant need to control on the part of the people that write and publish this tripe.
Do the clothes a person wears determine the kind of person that they are? - Matthew 23:25, 26
jp1692, we are talking about an organization that has banned beards on brothers but let Jesus have one in 1968 after years of picturing him without one. The hippie days are gone, protestors do come in all shapes, sizes, dress.
I'm sure the WTS will demand that all brothers HAVE beards in their vision of the new system.
Blondie, I'm sure you meant to put the word "let" in scare quotes.
Please notice that I already have my beard on and it is going (and growing) strong.
A still active JW recently accused me of "disrespecting Jehovah" because I have facial hair.
compound complex
Interesting that more and more active JW are "disrespecting Jehovah" by their facial hair! (I know, first hand.)
I guess no one said it was inappropriate to be gossiping about these brothers and even worse for the whole congregation to be doing it.
What once started as a Bible study group has evolved in the most narrow minded sectarian life style...