Tony Robbins claims there are three basic ways people 'feel' loved. Some need to be told. For them hearing those words expresses love. Others need to be shown, a sort of put your money where your mouth is. Doing things and or buying things for these people demonstrates love. The third group need to be touched. Kisses, hugs, soft caressing are the way to their loving hearts. He goes on to say that in the beginning of the dating process people do all three. But in time the lovebirds tend to stop two of the three. People tend to give what they need. Example, my ex needed to hear the words, I need to be touched, I touched, she talked, either of us was getting what we needed.
My question, (and let's not debate the validity of Tony's claims, let's go with his concept) based on this information, how do you "feel" loved? Maverick