Imagine a Company Sells You a Product...

by TTATTelder 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    There are identifiable similarities to car salesmen and JWS, in that they are to greet new comers to the dealership with a warm big smile, they are to dress appropriately in a respectful manner, no long hair and t-shirts. They are to inform the new comer of the advantages of buying  their products and how happy they will be in doing so.

    JWS are the happiest people on earth you know ! 

    They are instructed to dodge any entailing information that might devalue the products perceived by the customer, or to lie if need be, its described as sales warfare, in doing so impeding the notion of looking elsewhere at other car dealers. (religions)    

  • WTWizard

    No legitimate company would do this.  For instance, the Fenix flashlight is one of my favorite brands.  The quality is excellent, on a par with the best professional lights of just a few years ago.  I happen to like the Fenix LD22 light--it serves my needs perfectly.  It is perfect for emergencies such as where you are in a mall and the electricity cuts out, or fixing that flat tire in the middle of the night on a deserted highway.  It allows you to use NiMH batteries that cost less in the long run, and puts out just the light you need.  The battery life is better than most of its competitors, and the switches are more reliable than one of its competitors.

    However, even this fine flashlight is not perfect.  First, if you use fresh alkaline batteries, you will not be able to access its lowest mode.  You cannot use the 18650 batteries with these, at all.  You need to make sure the head is securely screwed in or it will not work--and that comes in the package loose.  I have given this light 5-star reviews, but with these cautions because someone that doesn't know might want to use alkaline batteries and wonder why low doesn't work, or to use 18650 batteries.  These minor design "problems" are not a bother for me, because I use NiMH batteries to protect the environment and so I won't have to shop for batteries in an emergency.

    Or, what happens if the product starts going down in quality?  That can and does happen.  Suppose they make a bad design for the LD22-2015 model?  That means I would not buy the 2015 model, but that doesn't alter the 2012 or 2013 models (or the other lights, which may be just fine).  They see enough bad reviews for the 2015's, so they start working out the bugs for the 2016's or revert to the 2012/13 model.  Mistake made, issue fixed.

    Now, the washtowel product is bad from the beginning.  Then they make it even worse.  Instead of reading the bad reviews, they block them and punish those who publish them.  There is no reason to revert to the better product or improve what they now have.  It usually ends up even worse.  And, you are likely to get something that is not compatible with your usage--because someone didn't point out the one fault the product had (as with the Fenix LD22, which works best with NiMH and not with alkaline batteries).

    As for trusting anyone, with today's companies banning people from posting bad reviews (Tops, Walmart, the banks, and so on), I would never trust any review where there are 200 or more 5-star reviews and nothing else.  There is always one fault with every product, and that fault may not matter to you but someone else might find it unacceptable.  And there are always a few bad samples in every batch--even the CREE light bulbs have a few bad reviews based on a few samples where they got a bad batch.

  • joe134cd
    Wtwizzard- I like the illustration. The one I've heard that is similar to that is a restaurant that is serving  poorly cooked food. The service is bad they are getting bad reviews, customers are complaining and are not coming back.  Instead of thinking perhaps all these problems are because we do in fact serve poor food, they then turn around and blame the customer because they didn't enjoy fine dining.

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