What on earth did he mean? Was he talking about marrying non-believers who would die at Armageddon?
Women are a "stack of bones and a hank of hair" - J.F. Rutherford
by krismalone 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks WIFI!
Just because that was a quote doesn't mean that he wasn't dissing women. He's the asshat that chose to quote that. He put pursuing women down. He clearly didn't respect the pursuit of a relationship. That's also just one of the things he said. Guy clearly didn't think highly of women. I'm surprised to see women taking up for him.
"Why, then, should a man who has the prospect before him of being of the great multitude now tie himself up to a stack of bones and a hank of hair?" (Applause)" This was a quote from J,F, Rutherford in a convention talk.
This statement also reveals what he was looking for and that was men who he could use and place under him as in working at the Publishing plant or working as full time pioneers.
Woman to him were perceived as a possible threat. They wanted to get married and have children etc. which could take time and attention away from what Rutherford wanted men to do.
Its also indicative to why his wife left him, which he then took up with his personal female assistant .
What on earth did he mean? Was he talking about marrying non-believers who would die at Armageddon?
No, he was railing against all marriage, even JW to JW. Armageddon was coming "very soon now" (sound familiar?) and marriage was very nearly completely condemned for all JWs.
Remember the "Children" book? The punchline, if you will, of that book was that the 2 narrators decided to postpone their wedding until after Armageddon, which was due, of course, "very soon now".
In one of my old congregations, we had a Rutherford-era JW still around. His mother had died at the tail end of Rutherford's reign, and she made all her children (who were teens or young adults by then) swear a deathbed oath that they would follow Rutherford's commands and never get married "in this system of things".
50+ years later, he (and his siblings) were still honoring that oath.
He never really seemed all that regretful though, thankfully. Although he did once show me a 30's era picture of his sweetheart.
I'm glad I was not around Rutherford or anybody back then who spouted sh#t like this. Who cares what these sonofabitches and their modern day counterparts think about anything!
Rutherford was a piece of sh*t!!!
I'm glad I was not around Rutherford or anybody back then who spouted sh#t like this.
Actually back in the late 1960's and early 1970's, JWs were saying the very same thing about getting married and children.
People in my Hall were saying they wouldn't get married this close to Armageddon or they wouldn't have children either they will wait until after.
Young adults were dropping out of school and were poised to go to Bethel and serve there etc.
These are the kind of results one should expect when you tell people that god is about to destroy the world, people will react from out of that information in various ways.
Its a fact that fear mongering is effective in controlling people's behavior and thoughts. -
I'm glad I was not around Rutherford or anybody back then who spouted sh#t like this.
Actually back in the late 1960's and early 1970's, JWs were saying the very same thing about getting married and children.
People in my Hall were saying they wouldn't get married this close to Armageddon or they wouldn't have children either they'll just wait until after.
Young adults were dropping out of school and were poised to go to Bethel and serve there etc.
These are the kind of results one should expect when you tell people that god is about to destroy the world, people will react from out of that information in various ways.
Its a fact that fear mongering is effective in controlling people's behavior and thoughts.
in the 60's etc, there was also the popular mindset of not reproducing because of the population explosion, and perceived reduction in poverty if population reduces. This fit in nicely with that. Made it more acceptable.
Never mind the population that was exploding the most were the ones IN poverty, 3rd world countries with nothing much to eat, etc.