Who else had to sit though last weeks WT study, 6th Jan 2019 - "Buy Truth and Never Sell It"

by skin 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skin

    That title, “Buy Truth and Never Sell It”. Is that not our goal has JW’s, to try to sell the truth to those who have the right heart condition to accept it?

    Para 9: “When the fishermen Peter and Andrew were invited by Jesus to become “fishers of men,” they “abandoned their nets.” (Matt. 4:18-20) Of course, most of those who learn the truth today cannot simply walk away from their jobs.”

    Notice that how it is wording here in the WT, would have you conclude that Peter & Andrew “abandoned their nets” for good, never to return to fishing. But in John Chap 21, Peter is out fishing again.

    Para 11: “Though we do not want to cause division, some friends and close family members may distance themselves from us or even oppose our newfound faith”.

    Really! Is this not exactly what we are told to do as JWs if some of our witness friends or close family members wake up to the reality of the TTATT?

    Para 12: When Aaron learnt that “God’s name, could be pronounced “Jehovah.” Excitedly, he went to the synagogue to share his wonderful discovery with the rabbis. Their reaction was not what Aaron expected. Instead of sharing his joy of learning the truth about God’s name, they spit on him and treated him as an outcast. His family bonds became strained. Undaunted, he continued to buy truth and served as a bold Witness of Jehovah for the rest of his life. Like Aaron, in order to walk in the truth, we are willing to pay the price of accepting whatever changes may occur in our social status or family relationships”.

    Let’s turn the tables of this one. What if you, as one of JW’s learnt some facts about the WTBTS that you were unaware of, e.g: the origin of the 1914 date and how the history of it has been rewritten by WT to make it sound good. Or the making up of earthquake statistics based on false data that on the surface appears to be correct. And you then go running to the Elders or some other witness with these (facts) truths, are they not going to likewise treat you as a wicked person, an outcast? Or as in the case with me, even before checking out any of my findings to verify them, I was accused of being an apostate. Now that was one way to instantly shut me up, a faithful JW at the time being told I was apostate. That event was the beginning to me waking up.

  • zeb

    we had an elder who said if the employer wont give you time off for conventions chuck the job there are plenty more.

    Wrong. In country cities and town there is no jobs that go begging.

    He is on a federal pension with benefits.

  • smiddy3

    Para 12: When Aaron learnt that “God’s name, could be pronounced “Jehovah.” Excitedly, he went to the synagogue to share his wonderful discovery with the rabbis. Their reaction was not what Aaron expected. Instead of sharing his joy of learning the truth about God’s name, they spit on him and treated him as an outcast.


    In the first edition of "Aid To Bible Understanding " they admitted under the name Jehovah that it may not be the correct pronunciation of the Divine Name as that is lost but the name Jehovah is the most commonly used today as god`s name ."

    The most commonly used ? by whom ? Christendom of course who else uses the name of GOD on a regular basis ?

    Hang on don`t they say that Christendom has been instrumental in hiding GOD`s name ?

    And if that was true why would we still see today Ancient Churches throughout the world ,centuries old churches that have inscribed in stone the name Jehovah .?

    The reason ? because a 13th century Spanish Monk took the 4 Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton in latin as JHVH and added vowels to those four Hebrew letters and came up with Jehovah.

    That name was never heard of before the 13th Century. { Hebrew never had a J sounding word in their vocabulary }

    Getting back to the "Aid" book they admitted that Yahweh was probably more of a correct pronunciation ,however they went with Jehovah because it was more popular .? amongs`t bible Scholars who were not Jehovah`s witnesses .

    So what TRUTH are they trying to sell here ?

  • Gorbatchov

    So happy to miss this nonsense since fading.

    It's all made up for their own purpose.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Gorby— I’m happy to say that I don’t “miss it” at all! 😁


    Could be pronounced....COULD be pronounced????

    This is a big deal, worded in typical WT fashion. So God’s name is not Jehovah, but could be pronounced that way? Where is the so-called restoration of the Divine Name that is historically proof of Da Troof??? 🤔

    Also, the Rabbi story is likely 💯% false. The guys name is Aaron, like in the Bible?? Yeah, right...💩


  • carla

    Para 12: When Aaron learnt that “God’s name, could be pronounced “Jehovah.- what scripture do they use for this?

  • tiki

    That Aaron story is so stupid....it is pretty much well known in rabbinical circles that Yahweh anglicized is Jehovah......they actually think they are the only ones in the world who are aware of that name? And the " could" part....omg.....and people buy into that ludicosity? They have gotten downright pathetic.

  • john.prestor

    Aaron's story sounds ridiculous right off the bat, it fits too neatly into their usual 'non-Witnesses are cruel' thing. At best they ommitted a hell of a lot of details, people don't spit on others over that, they just don't.

  • nowwhat?

    I had posted about this last week. You would think Aaron learning that Jesus was the promised messiah would be the game changer for him. Not Jehovah "COULD" be gods name. Obviously another made up story.

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