Open letter to my family

by DannyBear 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    {{{{{{Unc!!!!!!!!}}}}}} She's standing right here with me. Hey, she insists knowing all about this and other cults. It's her wanting to know, I just monitor what she sees and hears. For the most part though, she's treated with much respect. She knows what kids go thru in this dangerous cult. And she knows her family history and wants her grandma out just as bad as I do. Victoria is very bright and very witty and her humor, oh man. bwahhhhhhhh i love her so much. I can imagine how you yearn for those arms of your daughter around you; so here, take vics and use her arms instead {{{{{{bruce}}}}}}}!

    We love you and wish you wellness for you and yours truly.

    Love, Scally and kid (together we stand)

  • DannyBear

    Hello Farkel!

    Greetings old friend.

    ***spend their entire lives semi-anesthetized, semi-conscious, semi-aware and dedicated to selling worthless books and magazines that promise everything and deliver nothing for a world-wide printing Corporation whose only concern is its own self-perpetuation;***

    Even if the promises do come true, they have no excuse for their conduct. Mind numbness is the perfect expression, as respects the drivel emanating from the slober of the so called mouthpiece of God. They just keep injecting more novacaine(sp?)the rank and file will feel, hear, and see no pain.

    Yes plight could still be amongst them. Thank you for little blessings!


  • DannyBear


    Bear hugs back at ya girl. Thanks for the shout. I still follow you guys on a regular basis, sometimes the words just well up and I have to let er' rip. Maybe one of my family members will actually get up the gumption to read it. Or should I say get up enough nerve to enter this wicked domain of apostates. Weird how assigning a negative nametag to ordinary humans(APOSTATE), can cause such fear and trepidation among 'gods chosen people'??????? I thought Daniel entered the lions den with little fear. Go figure.


    Thanks for cyber hugs. Do I know you from somewhere? If not pleased
    make your aquaintance.


    You ole gold digger you. Thanks for affirming my point on 'blood'. I suppose that is why mafia stories intrigue me so. Without all the violence and mayhem...the roots of 'la familia' have an attraction. This world is a lonely place already, without someone interfering with your very flesh and blood!


    Sad but my story is only slight as compared with the many horror stories we have all seen and read about.

    Thanks for your kind remarks.


    You my man will be fighting and scratching to maintain a balance. I have read you enough to know, your brother does not wish to lose his relationship with you. If he cannot see your honest and forthright ways, it is his loss. I seem to think he will find a way. When you have a family member that is 'real' and 'down to earth' is worth breaking a few rules....lets hope...keep posting the facts TR!

    Thanks good people for your responses.


  • outnfree


    I'm new around here, but wanted to thank you for your heartrending post. Such cruelty perpetuated in the name of God. I sincerely hope that your sisters "see the light" as more and more light is brought to bear on the Organization and that you are reunited once again.


  • unclebruce

    Victoria : Thanks for the hug big girl .. here's one back (((()))) <--- looks like a head hug or mr.wobble or something lol, cheers, look after mom.


  • DannyBear


    Thanks. It really took me several years away from the org, to realize fully, how foggy my brain had become as a life long jw. It is the pervasive repition of meeting after meeting, study, field service, that insures the rank & file stay braindead. The glassy eyes displayed when confronted with reality, the quick defensive moves to ignore the facts, are all part of maintaining ones sanity as a member of the cult.

    I can only hope for a big shocker...a jolt...they will not be able to explain away. They have had a sufficient number in my oppinion already, but somehow continue to cling to 'mamma'.


  • LDH


    Your post was wonderful and terrible at the same time. Echo for Farkel's points.

    You know, oddly enough, I don't much care about the theology that had been my life for so long. Some of the long posts on Biblical research, I can't even read.

    But the thing that gets me, is the self-righteous shunning and the self-induced hypnosis. It kills me.

    UB, you're right. I don't even discuss religion with my daughter unless she brings it up. which ain't often.

  • DannyBear


    I think we, along with many others, are so fed up with biblical 'sooth sayers' and self ordained mouthpieces for god, that in my case anyway, I can barely tolerate the 'my verse' is better than 'yours' syndrom, we all dabbled with for so many years.

    It is to the point now, that I simply will not get involved in any word for word biblical discussion.

    Real life, real people are my religion now. There really is little if any need for 'governing bodies' or elders or ms servants. Just simple common sense, with a little fellow feeling, make most of my days in church very satisfying.

    Regards to you


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