It says this..........
The Present UN division over Iraq will be healed after the war by the creation of the Image of the UN Beast, which image is an expanded UN Security council with 10 Permanent Members with reduced veto powers. This will occur on July 25th - 27th 2003, 666 BLC days after 911.
As of March 17th 2003, the 48 hour deadline declaration for Saddam, the Beast of Revelation 17 "was but is not and yet will be present". It was the 8th King but is not the 8th king yet will be present as the 8th king along with the image which exercises its authority, when this image appears.
The Image of the Beast, being an image of a 10 horned and 7 headed beast, itself has 10 horns and 7 heads. These are 10 months of power and 7 months of headship, making a total of 17 months of power and headship before it hands over to the UN Beast. So the image comes into existence in 2003Tammuz (2 July - 1 August 2003), the 17 months are 2003Ab to 2004Chislev inclusive. The General Assembly controlled UN beast takes over in 2004Chislev and gets 42 months of authority to act, which run from 2004Tebbeth to 2008Sivan The 10 diadems on the 10 horns are the 10 kings of Revelation 17 in the case of the image of the beast.
Sounds very WTBS ish to me, I wonder if they are XJW's.
If they get that bit right I will be back to read some more!