So it seems the exjw community is setting policy for the governing body
I think that has been happening for years. We all know that there was a brain-drain at WT. Anyone with any intelligence and good sense left and is now here. Frequently, the former JWs pontificate here about the incoherent New Light Truths and offer better/smarter (maybe even more scriptural) corrections/suggestions. Often, ex-JWs here expound on what issues forced their decision to no longer support the JW religion.
A few months pass, and VOILA!, announcements are read or reports are received that New Light has indeed shown brightly on those very subjects spoken about here. Yes! these ideas had already been "tested" by 100s or even 1000s of comments from this and other sources, i.e., Reddit, and deemed to be BETTER than the WT Writing Dept had dreamed up.
I do believe that Ex-JWs (even apostates) are inadvertently conjuring up and field testing what becomes doctrine & policy for the religion. Not surprising since the smarter JWs have all moved on and WT lacks the creative staff to come up with anything better than "Overlapping" doctrines.