What's the funniest gag / stunt you saw 'in service'?

by DFWnonJW 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • integ

    Some guys in my hall went to the door and used biblical names when introducing themselves. One guy said his name was Obadiah, the other Melchizadek. It was kind of funny. Obadiah is gay now, Melchizadek is an Elder.


  • Hamas

    Obadiah is gay now, Melchizadek is an Elder

    lol .

  • kgfreeperson

    Not a gag or a stunt, but kind of sweet and funny. San Francisco. First nice sunny day in a while. Elderly black lady sitting on a bench "witnessing" to people coming in and out of the Starbucks. Sun got to her. Gently nodded off with the AWAKE! magazing propped up in front of her.

  • wednesday

    I was a teen, in a car group of teens. A brother in the car had "third rate romance , low rent redavu"(can not spell that) blasting . The co was working in the area, and later the bro stated singing "bottle of wine" really loud so u could hear it outside the car. Gawd only knows what people thought.

  • Gadget

    Every CO's visit me and my friend would arrange to work together on the Friday morning. We would turn up just after the meeting started and slip in at the back. This made it easy for us to be missed when the territory was handed out. We then went for breakfast at the local market, meeting up with everyone at the coffee break at 11 o'clock. Never once got caught either, we must have been easy to miss when so many were out.

  • RoadDoctor

    I've always been the rebellious type so I have done quite a few things that are generally frowned upon by the borg. I remember that in field service, I would hate being assigned to the territory where I lived, for fear of seeing classmates and people i knew (which was nearly everyone being in the local fire dept.). One day, I got put in a group w/ this regular (or irregular lol) pioneer which was smack in the middle of town where I lived. So I pretended to knock on the doors and record "not at home"...she was amazed at the amount of "not at homes" she'd have to make a 2nd visit to.

    One day it was 100 degrees (typical august weather). My friends and I paired up in my Grand Am and went thru town. We bought these huge super soakers, filled them with urine and cold water. Needless to say pedestrians and cars w/ windows down got a rain on their day.

    This event happened actually at a district convention. 2 of my friends and I (who also were on their way out of the borg like me) used to work the first aid station. My last year in (1998) we got put on the golf cart ambulance that they had at the Vet in Filthydelphia. Well, it was always fun to take the ambulance out of the stadium and go up to the vendors and get food and cigarettes. Imagine walking by a Jehovahs witness ambulance at a convention and see the medics smoking. We had to carry lots of gum to cover that odor up.


  • tinkerbell82

    i dont really recall any pranks that I pulled, but i remember one time being out in service and it was my turn to speak at the door, and we just happened to be at a particular house the owner of which was notorious for disliking witnesses (but of course we just kept bothering the poor man to death)...and i knocked on the door all scared...and the guy answers his door COMPLETELY naked. i was HORRIFIED at the time (but thinking back on it i think that's a pretty ingenious witness deterrent!)

  • Descender

    I remember going to the door with one of my friends. I told him that it was his door and I wasn't going to be talking. He said ok, so he knocked on the door and a man came to the door and my friend just stood there with a smile on his face and didn't say anything, he turned to me and I just stood there not saying anything. So this confused guy stands there for about 30 seconds while we are all looking at each other in complete silence and then finally he just shuts the door.

    This other one doesn't really have to do with service, but when I look back on it, it was funny. My mom had taken me and my brother and one of his friends to the mall around christmas. I was about 15 and my brother was 4. He saw the line to sit on Santa Claus' lap and he shouts over and over at the top of his lungs for everyone to hear. "Santa Claus is a FALSE GOD !!!!!! I was embarrased beyond belief at the time, but it's pretty funny now.

  • tinkerbell82

    that santa story is hilarious! the other day my mom told me that when i was about four we were over at a neighbor's house and they had a cat that i always wanted to play with but i hadnt been allowed to touch it before, but that night they decided to let me play with it so i went to find it but came back crying, and when my mom asked what was wrong i yelled "i can't play with that cat, THAT CAT IS A BAAL WORSHIPPER!!' -- apparently the cat had a bell on its neck, and i thought bell=baal...anyways, i bet those neighbors thought we were crazy!

  • paterfamilias

    I once had a very embarrassing experience on a return visit. I was calling back on a woman, so I decided to take one of the sisters with me. We found the householder at home, and the three of us were having a nice friendly visit at the door when the sister with me decides to ask, "how many months pregnant are you?" I was so mortified because the householder, of course, was not pregnant -- just a bit round in the tummy. I don't remember how we managed to recover from that one, but we did leave on good terms. Ouch! Needless to say, I never took that sister on that call again.

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