Reveal News: How Jehovah’s Witness leaders are responding to child abuse scrutiny by Trey Bundy

by AndersonsInfo 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    by Trey Bundy

    December 14, 2015

    Besieged by reports that Jehovah’s Witnesses shield child sexual abusers from prosecution, the religion’s top leadership appears to have settled on a strategy: “Let the story die.”


    released in October was yet another report from across the globe to detail the Witnesses’ policy of not reporting child abusers to law enforcement. As in other media reports, top officials refused to speak to the journalists who produced it.

    After it aired, however, David Splane, a member of the Witnesses’ Governing Body, spoke to 600 congregations from the religion’s Portuguese headquarters in Carnaxide, according to TVI, the station that aired the documentary. Splane’s talk provided a window into how Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders are handling the scrutiny.

    “Now, sometimes, the brothers will call New York and say, ‘Why don’t you do something about this? This was a terrible program,’ ” said Splane, who was visiting from global headquarters in Brooklyn. “What do you want us to do? The journalist has a closed mind. The journalist isn’t interested in the truth. And so we usually just leave things as they are and let the story die.”

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  • Dagney

    As a legal move, you understand their reaction. It is a corporation. It is obvious to the world they don't even pretend to care about is all about if their actions were within the law to avoid lawsuits.

    As infuriating as their reaction is...overall it's amazing how they can show their true colors with such aplomb.

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  • Phizzy
    I just hope that more people like Trey Bundy keep on their case, their despicable and entire lack of love and concern for victims, and deliberate lack of action to stop future abuse, needs to be kept in the public eye.
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  • Anakin

    Thank you Barbara,for sharing ..

    even if he thinks that a story will die, what he forget, is that, his explanation will raise a lot of questions, by a lot of people, who already followed the RC, in Australia...

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    .........................................Image result for Watchtower Logo...Image result for Evil Bastard Productions

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    Now, sometimes, the brothers will call New York and say, ‘Why don’t you do something about this? This was a terrible program,’ ” said Splane, who was visiting from global headquarters in Brooklyn. “What do you want us to do? The journalist has a closed mind. The journalist isn’t interested in the truth. And so we usually just leave things as they are and let the story die.”

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  • OrphanCrow

    Newsflash to the Governing Body:

    This story will NOT die. It is just getting started.

    Good luck...heehee. You are going to need it.

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  • careful
    Wow, that the GB would send one of their number to this branch to "deal with" the matter is the most revealing thing. Why did they do this in Portugal and not elsewhere?
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  • sir82

    Typical GB wishful thinking. "Ignore it and hope it goes away".

    Erm, how did that strategy work out for the Catholic church?


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  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Only a completely brain dead JW would still think they are a Faithful & Discrete Slave after viewing this all the way through.

    The Governing Body are screwing themselves to the limit by this denial anybody with an ounce of sense can see right through their bull shit. They are really screwed on this I bet they face criminal charges for these statements.

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  • HBH

    Yes, listen to him. This is an anointed Christian? He sounds like a 2 year old, blaming and complaining, calling the journalist a liar. Well, who has a reputation of lying, cheating, and spending fortunes to keep their name from being besmirched.

    The GB deserve Scaphism. (link is a great little read)



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