Prince Harry and Meghan

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • millie210

    Shes a B list actress who claims to want "privacy".

    (Ater she got the 50 million dollar wedding of course - not before)

    She wants her privacy so much that she hired Sunshine Sacs world reknown PR company.

    In addition, she is now going on Oprah to again seek that privacy.

    Dont think about it too hard and it will all sound plausible.

  • minimus

    I think she’s a media hound. I think she’s very pretty but appears to me to be pretty fake too!

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    As long as they stay our of the US politics and keep their dumb mouths shut, I'm fine with that.

    I feel exactly the same about our Royal Family. Foreigners telling us that our system should be abolished doesn't go down well at all.


  • Joliette

    You guys know shes a little bit older than him by a few years, shes actually 2 years older than me. I agree he does seem pussy whipped, whoever said that. I agree with the hypocrisy on the privacy thing. Many celebs claim to want privacy but their famous, I dont understand it. Overall, I do think they make a good look couple.

  • Diogenesister

    I don’t think she ever intended to be a full time “working royal”.

    Shes nearly 40 for goodness sakes and has lived her whole life a free and independent woman who had a great time and did exactly as she wished. How on earth could she suddenly conform to that level of absurd formality, chock full of reams and reams of protocol every minute of every day.

    Talk about a micro managed life.

    That’s why they like to get them young so they can train them up! That - or marry people who’ve grown up around the court of St. James (why’s it called that btw?) - such as Diana and Fergie. Both of whom literally lived on Royal estates as kids. They knew the form.

    But the most intolerable thing for Megan is she’s absolutely not allowed to have an opinion, or at least not make them public.

    Harrys fairly easy on the eye, seems a nice guy and has a Bob or two. She’s got the title...why on earth would she want to put herself through that for a country she has absolutely zero connection to. However she should have made that plain from the start - and not make a fool of the Queen and insinuate she’s racist, which couldn’t be further from the truth. All new royal wives go through hell. In fact all royal women. Princess Ann suffered endless abuse in the 70s. Fergie in the 80s, too. Doesn’t make it ok, mind you.

    I don’t blame her for leaving, but one thing does really annoy me, though, is they both bang on hypocritically about mental health. Yet, she’s deserted and shunned her obviously mentally ill father who both raised her (as a single parent from age 11) and put her through private school and uni.

  • MeanMrMustard
    In other news no one gives a shit about them.

    We might be more interested if we had a royal beheading or two - like the good old days when a wayward prince/princess/queen was suddenly found guilty of “high treason”.

  • mynameislame

    Another family making money with nothing to offer except for being famous.

  • Diogenesister
    As long as they stay our of the US politics and keep their dumb mouths shut, I'm fine with that. I don't want to hear their (or any other celebrity) opinions on how I should live, etc.

    Er....Wing commander she's a yank...she's got every right to speak about US politics. 😂🙄

  • Jeffro
    What do you think of these two?

    I don’t.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi Min, here's what I think of Haz & Megs …

    They cannot accept that the Royal Household has hierarchy and that they both were behind the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William in the pecking order .

    They overestimate their own importance.

    That's it, basically.

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