New Releases - What is there left to write about?

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Hi everyone, and thanks to all for your comments in my recent posts. I can't always get round to logging on, but do appreciate your feedback.

    Now for a question - what is there left to write about? I mean, isn't printing 24,000,000 Awakes and Watchtowers enough? Why do we need to have more books?

    It suddenly dawned on me too, that if only 25,000,000 WTs are printed, and there are 6,000,000 dbs, the 'world' only gets 19,000,000 copies. There is a 'spiritual famine in the land' as 6,000,000,000 people go without their 'meat in due season' every 2 weeks.

    Another thing - why can't new releases be in the Barnes & Noble bookstores like Harry Potter. What publicity they would get! Maybe we could have a midnight countdown party at 12am.

    What do you think the new releases will be for the coming years/decades?

    I have a few suggestions...

    Ezekiel's Prophecy Vol 1 - released 2004

    Ezekiel's Prophecy Vol 2 - released 2005

    Jeremiah's Prophecy Vol 1 - released 2006

    Jeremiah's Prophecy Vol 2 - released 2007

    Micah's Prophecy - What Meaning For Our Day? 320pg released 2008

    Updated Knowledge Book - released 2009

    Updated Family Book - now includes chpts on 'What if my child is gay?' - released 2010

    Updated Reasoning Book - released 2011

    The Minor Prophets - Visions for the last days - released 2012

    Updated 'Creation Book' - released 2013

    100 Years of Kingdom Rule - Christ's Millenial Rule now at hand - released 2014

    The Apostles Life & Ministry - released 2015

    the way I see it, the Society can keep the bookstudies going for at least another 13 years.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


  • Nosferatu

    What I don't get is the name of the new Children's book "Learn From the Great Teacher" It's too similar to "Listening to the Great Teacher". Now we have 2 great teacher books. Pretty stupid.

    I can see other mutated books in the future:

    - The Greatest Man Who lived on Earth
    - Reasoning from the Watchtowers
    - Living Forever In Paradise On Earth
    - Knowledge that Leads to a Better Life
    - Let It Be Known That All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial For Teaching
    - Getting The Best Out Of Your Youth
    - The Grand Climax of Revelation.
    - The Book of Bible Stories

    They're running out of titles for rehashing their old literature.

  • RandomTask

    Well, I think its supposed to replace the old great teacher book

  • metatron

    ummm ... how 'bout the " Sorry, We Screwed Up" book


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I like your comment about "why not in bookstores", isn't the idea to preach to all the inhabited world, and to try and reach everyone, ......

    so why not in bookstores

    so why not more internet sites

    so why not an internet site with all the history of every publication from 1879-2003.

    isn't the internet about information (not just porn)

    why wouldn't the Watchtower, (to quote Rutherford "Advertise, Advertise, Advertise" ),use every possible means of getting their books into people's hands who have never read a publication.

    Very Good Point,

    And I know this is a repeat, but some may have not seen this,

    1) My Book Of U.N. Stories

    2) 1914, The Watchtower never mentioned this year, only religions of the world did.

    3) Blood, how to cut it up into 64 parts

    4) Door to Door No more

    5) Cleaning the Kingdom Hall, Your Christian responsibility

    6) The Return of the Smurfs (those demons are back with Satan)

    7) 2004, Why women still have no say in the Watchtower. (updated)

    8) Best of Kingdom Songs, (455 cd set for only $9,999.99)

    9) Oral Sex, is it for you ???

    10) Your Youth, Shoot yourself know or suffer as a JW ???

    11) How to Fleece old people out of money (for elders only)

    12) Income Tax, pay the Government or the Watchtower.

    13) Are you a Pedophile, please don't tell us

    I'll work on a new list of 13 and post it later.

  • Austrian

    What, there is nothing left to write about???? How about their favorite subject- "Masturbation"

    Infact the title would be "Masturbation, it's grand climax in hand"....

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Sorry momentary lapse

    Why not in bookstores or Barnes and Noble?

    Nobody would buy them

    no control over the enforced "education" - like who reads the question and then searches for the dumbass answer

    no contact to get them to the hall

    thereofre no new book sellers

    Bottom line = no control

  • Hamas

    I suspect the Society to go the same way as Video game giants Nintendo, and simply rely on an old formula of material, brushed up and modernised to keep old and new happy alike.

  • rocketman

    Heck, the WTS doesn't even send out subscriptions any more. Seems to me they are more concerned with saving money than with "saving lives".

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