We received a letter from Anthony todayHe is doing good, says that he likes everything especially church. Misses us a lot.
Got our first letter
by SheilaM 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
((Sheila & Thunder))
That's great! I know how much you've been anticipating his letter!
Double Edge
Great to hear some news, isn't it. Funny how new marines really like church (even the non-religious ones).... something to do other than getting yelled at 24/7.... a nice, calming 45 minutes. When does he become a Marine?
church and chow time are the best parts of basic oh and sleep too.
Anthony really likes church not just for the time off LOL Funny kid very spiritual but hates the dubs.
He will graduate September 5, 20003 in San Diego. We can't wait. He wants me to smuggle him cookies LOL
He says he likes his classes cause that does get him away from the DI LOL
He will graduate September 5, 20003 in San Diego. We can't wait. He wants me to smuggle him cookies LOL
Except that by then, he'll be over 18,000 years old and probably won't be able to lift a cookie.Sorry, couldn't resist.
That letter must lift your heart! I'm so glad you've heard from him.
little witch
((((((((((((((((SHEILA AND THUNDER)))))))))))))))))))))))))
I am so glad for you, and hope Anthony is fairing well. Thankyou to you all for your sacrifice to us all, and keep us informed, k ?
Yay! What good news!
Glad he's bearing up.