I am in agreement with both of you and have NO sympathy for anybody who doesn’t want to work and thinks they are going to be in the ministry instead!..Nope! not after how I WAS viewed because I had a full time job!
I had this same conversation with a JW friend recently and I made it very clear that if I were there I would say NO to these appeals for money....With all the bethelites having been laid off and yet more to keep coming - I’m sure the people in the congregations are fed up with non-stop appeals for money, old cars, cheap apartments and whatever.
This is the handwriting on the wall, sad to say, in the religion. They think they are going to turn their attention to the VERY people they criticized for having jobs/careers.
It’s just as well I’m not there because I would end up having to be unpleasant to some idiot who would corner me with an envelope looking for contributions for all the ‘needy’ including some who never wanted to work..Well, let their ‘spiritual’ friends give them money!