The OP was cute and past [sic] from notes used to write a term paper long ago.
Was this for an English class?
if so, I think I encountered your brother on the EvC forum a few years ago.
by towerwatchman 205 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The OP was cute and past [sic] from notes used to write a term paper long ago.
Was this for an English class?
if so, I think I encountered your brother on the EvC forum a few years ago.
In “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”, Darwin did not try to explain the origin of the first life. Instead, he sought to explain the origin of new forms of live from simpler preexisting forms, forms that already possessed the ability to reproduce. His theory assumed rather than explained the origin of the first living thing. His masterpiece contains neither a single mathematical equation nor any report of original experimental research. He developed his theory by drawing together desperate lines of observational evidence and presenting an argument from a novel interpretation of that evidence.
Darwin read “Principles of Geology” by Charles Lyell, whose central methodological principle was. ‘To explain the former changes of the earth’s surface, by reference to causes now in operation.’ According to Lyell, our present experience of cause and effect should guide our reasoning about the causes of past events. Lyell argued that when historical scientist are seeking to explain events in the past, they should not invoke unknown or exotic causes, the effects of which we do not know, instead, they should cite causes that are known from our uniform experience to have the power to produce the effect in question.
Darwin appealed to this principle to argue that presently observed micro evolutionary processes of change could be used to explain the origin of new forms of life in the past [macro evolution]. Since the observed process of natural selection can produce a small amount of change in a short time, Darwin argued that it was capable of producing a large amount of change over a long period of time.
The success of Darwin’s theory inspired attempts at ‘extending evolution backward’ in order to explain the origin of the first life. Darwin’s account of how species can evolved evokes a mindless process called natural selection, and excluded intelligent design.
Towerwatchman, the grand plagiarist, strikes again.
The Above is lifted 100% from Meyer's garbage book, without attribution.
Towerwatchman is known for this dishonesty. He tries to use this dishonest tactic to cover his own ignorance. ALWAYS google anything he presents that is not an insult or it more than 3 sentences long - there is a high probability that he copy-pasted it from some creationist source.
A NathanM Towerwatchman is off the site , maybe intentionally by the moderator/owner of JWD
Towerwatchman, ever the humble servant of Jesus:
Again the evidence points to an intelligent designer, you believe man crawled out of pond scum over millions of years. And you question ignorance.
No, the evidence does no such thing, And actually, it is YOU that believes that a man crawled our of not pond scum, but dust. Do you not understand your own beliefs?
Finkelstein - Ah, I see.
I have encountered him on another forum and discovered that he had made the exact same posts here.
I see that you and others demolished his phony claims - good on you!
Hi NathanM welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the background on TWM. It is typical of creationists to paste the same nonsense all over the place and pretend it has never been refuted.