Hi Kohanic,
Since you have told that Russia is smart because they have banned the witnesses, I would like to know your opinion on the following questions:
1. Since Russia is smart by banning JW's, have you ever felt of moving and settling in Russia since you will be out of the JW influence and would be in a smart country?
2. If banning JW's is smart move, what do you feel about North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran etc, who have JW's banned too?
3. Since you are on the Russian side of the debate now, you completely agree that all individual JW's should be criminalized and put into prison for conducting meetings and going for preaching and all individual JW home should be put under constant surveillance. Am I right?
4. Do you feel that the Russian family who was awarded the parental glory award by Putin be arrested for raising their kids as JW's?
5. Since you now agree that JW's are extremists and that you are in a constant fear of being mind-controlled, have you considered moving to one of the countries which don't have JW's?
6. Since you agree that JW's are extremists who should be criminalized, what is your first reaction when you see JW's standing next to a cart? Do you feel like running away in fear? or Do you sense the danger of being instantly mind-controlled and brainwashed if you even pass by the cart?