I worked in a rehab and had quite a few elders as patients.
If alcohol was a DF offense
by James Mixon 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Captain Obvious
I know many who would leave over it. JWs need alcohol.
James Mixon
Diogenesister: Yes that is the one good thing I received from the organization, and I do mean the only positive thing..
And some on the Governing Body, Bethel heavies, and many Bethelites would be out the door as well.
At any given moment, I think there are more bottles in [any Bethel facility] than in a 10,000 square foot liquor store.
James Mixon
sir82:So there is no problem for young Bethelites to bring alcohol into the facility??I can not envision kegs of beer coming through the doors of Bethel or even a six pack....