JW current stance on Vaccines?

by lcarter017 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fisherman

    I guess it depends on how you look at it.

    Well, given that it is a sin to harvest blood instead of pouring it on the ground, somebody is directly responsible to God for the sin of not disposing of the blood that is ultimately used to make vaccines and other products. That’s where the buck ends. But when God only tries one person for the sin and not everybody in the chain of production and consumption: “Well, by the time it got to me, it was very diluted” Yeah, but you were part of the chain based on sin. Where is the justice? The one’s benefiting from sinful conduct are not liable because the final product is diluted out?

    On the one hand covid vaccine is quasi compulsory if you want to be in some areas? but on the other hand a vaccine such as anti-venom or rabies is up to your conscience? even if your conscience kills you. Nobody will compel you or try to convince you to take the vaccine facing death because the vaccine contains blood.

    Ultimately if any blood was used in the production of a vaccine, somebody is accountable to God fo the blood that was not disposed of, if doing that is a sin.

  • Fisherman

    I suppose it is the same argument for receiving blood fractions. Somebody broke God’s law on blood by harvesting it (given that it is a sin to do so) and the person accepting tiny amounts is benefiting from sin and depends on somebody sinning to live. The sinner is subject to punishment for misuse of blood but the one benefiting from the sin does not sin when consuming fractions because the end result is not considered blood but something good that saves lives derived from sin. It is not even as if it wasn’t a sin for the ones harvesting the blood and were doing a Shabbos Goy for the ones consuming the blood fractions.

  • SydBarrett
    "Well, given that it is a sin to harvest blood instead of pouring it on the ground, somebody is directly responsible to God for the sin of not disposing of the blood that is ultimately used to make vaccines and other products."

    The idea of an omnipotent universe creator getting his panties in a wad over such minutia is ridiculous.

    "These short lived microbes on a tiny rock I created violated my arbitrary rule and I can feel my metaphorical bile rising to my metaphorical throat!"

    ....because I have nothing better to do with unlimited power and literally all the time in the universe.

  • Earnest

    Anony Mous : mRNA and some other vaccines are developed however with the assistance of aborted babies’ stem cells, which (strict) Catholics ... won’t accept...

    "All vaccinations recognised as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal co-operation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive," the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith announced in a statement on Monday, 21 December 2020.

  • Fisherman

    All vaccinations recognised as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience

    “..No further burden…that you keep abstaining from blood..’”The scripture cannot be nullified so a Christian must abstain from using blood according to the meaning of the scripture. According to JW small amounts of blood or fractions are not what the verse clearly means but if you choose to die, FDS won’t compel you not to.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I knew the pope was quite progressive, but didn’t know they went that far to comply with COVID vaccine requirements. No wonder there is a schism building amongst Catholics.

    I still don’t understand the logical differentiation between committing a sin and benefiting from that sin, in pure legal parlance, if you benefit from a crime you are at least partially culpable for that crime, because if nobody benefited, there wouldn’t have been a crime in the first place. So too, if you need aborted babies’ stem cells or human/animal blood to produce your vaccines, even if it is fractional, the demand for the vaccine creates or enables the sin.

    It’s very much like Satan in the garden, he was punished because he suggested a benefit in the product of sin, he didn’t suggest it wasn’t a sin or that the fruit in itself had properties. Likewise David simply ordered the death of Bathsheba’s husband, he didn’t kill himself, but benefited from it and was punished for it.

    I don’t have a leg in this fight, I don’t believe in the gods or their stories, but I’m just wondering where the consistency lies.

  • TD

    In the case of Rubella, (At least) Catholic writings treat the vaccination as the lesser of two evils (i.e Passive versus Active cooperation in sin)

    In other words:

    Yes, abortion is a sin and yes, benefiting from that sin even decades after the fact constitutes passive cooperation.


    Since unborn children are extremely vulnerable to Rubella, refusing to have your child vaccinated, would endanger the lives of others and would constitute the active commission of sin should any harm arise from this negligence.

    I don't have a dog in this fight either, but do find the thought process interesting.

  • Fisherman

    wasn’t a sin or that the fruit in itself had properties. Likewise David simply ordered the death of Bathsheba’s husband,

    Fruit from a poisonous tree.

    Sin should not produce good things but that is not the case. The wife of Uriah married David ( David killed her husband and produced Solomon) and produced Jesus. The argument could be made that Jesus would have been born anyway from another woman. Also there were severe consequences for David’s sin.

    Systematically, though aborted fetuses and blood is a commodity that does good to humanity by saving lives and protecting health. It seems that sin is good in these cases. If blood transfusions are sinful, they are also good when they save a human life? Is saving a human life by sinning a sin?

    I had a very expensive medical book many years ago before the net with photos and drawings of cutouts of human tissue. The photos I read were very important to medical science although produced (I didn’t know at the time) from unwilling victims by the german gov. Also, the medical experiments on victims made up of Jews and others by the German gov, for example of those human guinea pigs used for hypothermia experiments, is very helpful to medical science and humanity has benefited from these cruel experiments.

  • Fisherman
  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    One half of the recipients died within the first year of transfusion and the median time to death was 1.1 years. Survival rates at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years after transfusion were 32%, 22%, 15%, 12%, and 9%, respectively”

    Yes it’s an advantage to be a JW for the better health care you get by avoiding blood. If the doctors know they can just pump more blood into you they can be sloppy. If they know they can’t then you have the very bet care and the HLC are watching what the doctors decide and they ask why were there more expensive drugs and procedures used which most people don’t know about.

    there are advantages to staying physically in. This is why I’m PIMA.

    agnostic means you can think for yourself and no cognitive dissidence will get in your way because your agnostic and can reap all the benefits from both sides

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