psychic abilities
BTW Saint: You need to rewatch the movie as you have no idea what it's about. sigh
by Satanus 44 Replies latest jw friends
psychic abilities
BTW Saint: You need to rewatch the movie as you have no idea what it's about. sigh
psychic abilities
I was thinking about the time before potter joined the school, when he felt empathetic toward the snake. He made the glass temporarily dissappear so that his adoptive brother fell in and the snake got free. Then the snake spoke to him. This shows a high psychic ability in potter, although psychism doesn't come up much, anymore. Still, the fact remains that he is supposed to be strongly psychic.
I suppose that since i don't have kids, i may have missed their point of view. But i am sort of a big kid myself, you know.
Tolken is totally compatable w christianity, and the battle between good and evil. Even dubs read it long before the movies came out.
Just harmless story telling! direction should come from the Parents.......
Then the snake spoke to him. This shows a high psychic ability in potter, although psychism doesn't come up much, anymore. Still, the fact remains that he is supposed to be strongly psychic.
No see Harry was almost killed by Voldermort, he was saved by the love of his Mother. He could "talk" to the snake because when Voldermort tried to kill him some of Voldermorts power rubbed off. It is the struggle between good and evil as old as time and FICTION. As I said I am sorry you view children as such one demensional beings swayed by everything SIGH
Tolken is totally compatable w christianity
WTF do you think Gandalf does lounge acts LOL What do you think the elfqueen does SHE COMMUNICATES VIA TELEPATHY TO FRODO GEESH re-read the friggin book or watch the movies. Oh I could go on and on GEESSH
I am sorry you view children as such one demensional beings swayed by everything SIGH
Go easy on the accusations. I have said nothing with regard to children. I'm addressing adults to get their views on this.
It wasn't an accusation it was an OBSERVATION big difference
I am sorry you view children as such one demensional beings swayed by everything SIGH
Go easy on the observations. I have said nothing with regard to children. I'm addressing adults to get their views on this.
Yes, you are addressing children as you said that this is an undue influence on their spirituality. Therefore you brought this question into debate not I. As I have raised two children have a grandbaby and many nieces and nephews, I would say I am perfectly capable of addressing the effect of Tolkien and Rowling on children now would'nt you?
I see i did use the word kids
teaches kids occultism?
in my question. But you have read two things into my questions. One: that i think kids are one dimensional. Two: that if potter introduced them to occultism, it would be
an undue influence on their spirituality.
hence, bad. I'm not anti occult.
While i don't know you, i would agree w you last question, and am glad to have your opinion.