The Governing Body have a lack of self awareness in this discussion

by ukpimo 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ukpimo

    David Splane's infamous pandemic "land of the living" speech will be shown at the midweek meeting in 2 weeks.

    In this item,

    7. Demonstrate Trust in Jehovah’s Organization

    (15 min.)

    There is a subtle build-up to the very last question in the discussion.

    Play the VIDEO 2021 Governing Body Update #9​—Excerpt. Then ask the audience:

    How did the direction we received during the pandemic strengthen your trust in Jehovah’s organization?

    I challenge any jw to comment "I'm not sure what the answer is, as I've known a few of the friends have died from vaccine side effects", and watch the jaws drop.

  • ukpimo

    The org seriously lacks self awareness. They are fully aware of the existence of the following website detailing personal experiences from PIMI jws who have lost faith in the org due to pushing out the vaccines as protocol:

    I kid you not, this discussion will wake many up. I hope it does, yet at the same time it angers me that the Governing Body have gotten away with manslaughter, with blood on their hands. And it was all done for one reason, to avoid legal issues. This was no different from their reaction to the Norway case. As soon as all the exjws got together and showed old Watchtower publication references pertaining to an anti-vax view, Watchtower was very desperate to maintain a deceptive response to secure themselves, avoiding legal repercussions. I wonder why a video from 4 years ago would be discussed now? Was it a move from Legal dept in preparation for any upcoming court lawsuits directed towards vaccine companies?

  • ukpimo

    I wonder if Watchtower will "take back their troops" who refused the vaccine in like manner to the US army? Only time will tell.

  • ukpimo

    Sign the following petition on if this situation matters to you.

  • ukpimo
  • Raimundo

    I think the splane report will be repeated to respond and do damage control for what the authors of the mentioned page are doing in spreading this whole issue

    In fact they have started making youtube videos analyzing the biblical principles that the Governing Body violated

    This is the worst attack they can receive since the bible itself condemns them

    I think that in Great Britain there is a day of reflection for the victims of covid during that week so it seems that they join that and defend all the measures that were taken

    Surely there will be another pandemic and they will do the same again since in the next one it will be argued that the vaccines are made with AI and it has more computing power than all the atoms in the universe so they will be "safer and more effective" vaccines

    Whoever falls into that trap has no remedy

    Very good initiative on change org

  • nowwhat?

    All they did was cut and paste direction from the CDC!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    All hail Fauci

    I really believe covid follows ideological beliefs. Every true believer seems to get it repeatedly despite the shots.

    We had empty assembly, no handshakes, wiping things with dirty rags (they cost money), still have mask wearers at home on zoom. It is a powerful virus that can travel on the internet.

  • Vidiot

    The “Branch Covidians”, then? 😏

  • Palegreen79

    I cannot figure out what they think they accomplish bringing this sore topic up.

    Except that most just went along with it even when they DIDNT want to. I got no issue with ones who personally made their own choice to get the shot for their own health. It should always be a choice!

    I guess it just gives those people a little nudge that they werent manipulated. I don't know?!

    But for us who again made our own choice which resulted in bullying, segregation it's just a reminder of the anti love and disunity inflicted apon them...and hindsight for NOTHING! The vaccine did NOT do anything authorities claimed it would. People still got sick, some severe some not, they still were infections. And it did not matter vaccine status.

    It's tempting to make this upcoming meeting my last. I'm so tired. I need to move on.

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