Face/Pyramids on Mars! What do you think?

by qwerty 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    Hey, interesting!

    Our squeaky clean Guvmint Agency known as NASA is using "the Face" to promote public awareness in the missions to Mars...

    * http://observe.ivv.nasa.gov/nasa/exhibits/mars/mars_home.html

    And on their frontpage, they use an "old" image, the one generated/processed by Dr.Mark Carlotto, INSTEAD of their newest Mars Global Surveyor image of the "Face"... that Flat, Filtered White Bread Cat Box Piece of Shit Served Up to the American Public what paid for it!


  • digderidoo

    I was in the cafe a couple of days ago...reading one of the tabloids (either the mirror or the sun). In there was an article about someone's garden fence, when he creasoted it a picture of ET appeared!!!

    No word of a lie!!!

    The grain of the wood resembled ET's face and neck...anyone else read it?

    Seriously though... pictures can be seen in anything, as a child i used to be scared of pictures of monsters within my curtains.

    Yours dig

    Ordinary people just like you and me...
    We're the keepers of our destiny...

  • AlanF

    Given ianao's little challenge, I couldn't resist looking for a few images of things we're all familiar with. Or perhaps this is my own personal Rorschach test. :-)

    Here we have a cosmic string instrument:

    Here's a man's hand waxing his car:

    Big eyes staring out over a big nose:

    And a couple of big eyes:

    Superman flying along with his suitcase:

    The Playboy Bunny:

    A Big Mouthed Face:

    A Sad Smilie Face:

    Casper the friendly ghost:

    Cassius the unfriendly ghost:

    Ten points to anyone who can guess what these actually are.


  • ianao

    The only one I could venture a guess on is the Superman picture. It looks like a gorilla (sp?) sitting in a cage, but that's about it.

  • AlanF

    The humanoid or human-related images I posted a few days ago were doctored slightly, by being blurred or having the contrast changed. This is exactly what happens to long distance photos of features on planets etc., when the space vehicle is a long way off or has limited resolution.

    Below I present my doctored images along with the originals, and links to the web pages where I got the originals. Enjoy!

    Here we have a cosmic string instrument:

    Here's a man's hand waxing his car:

    Big eyes staring out over a big nose:

    And a couple of big eyes:

    Superman flying along with his suitcase:

    The Playboy Bunny:

    A Big Mouthed Face:

    A Sad Smilie Face:

    Casper the friendly ghost:

    Cassius the unfriendly ghost:

    Here are some recent comments from MSN news: "NASA revisits the 'Face on Mars'"

    I think all of the above shows how easy it is for someone who really wants to see humanoid images in just about anything to 'find' exactly what he's looking for. The MSN news report quotes a NASA spokesman as saying that those who want to see such things in the Mars Cydonia images will continue seeing exactly that. And skeptics will continue, because of the complete lack of extraordinary evidence for such extraordinary claims, not to see a 'face' on Mars.

    You can find the original images here:


  • Tallyman


    good "doctoring" work with the images...

    You wrote in an earlier post in this thread that the Martian "face" appeared to have porcine qualities (I think you mentioned the snout of the MGS image of the "face", which looked pig-like)...
    but others have observed for years that the "face" had hominid/"feline" qualities to it, and that there was some corresponding/coincidental connection to the Sphinx at Giza, which is part human - part lion.

    Kinda half and half.

    Interesting pics I downloaded today of how the ancient Mayans used the same technique in their statuary, where they "split" stone faces into half one thing/half another thing...

    Check it out:


    And concerning The Hominid-Lion Connection:



    * http://www.insightim.com/IIM/lion_morph.html - 3MB

    To have pyramids in a cluster with a nearby HUGE half-human/half-lion construct in both Egypt and on Mars... wOw! ... whadda coincidence!

    And then to have the city nearest the Egyptian structures named 'Cairo', which in the Arabic, means: "Mars"... well, what to think of that?

    Of course, it ALL could be just a coincidence that all this stuff appears on Mars -related- in some way to what is near Cairo.
    It could be.
    But I don'ts thinks so.

    - - -

    uh yeah, and what you wrote earlier about the crop circles... could not disagree more. 'Made by the Barflies 'Doug & Dave'... ? Nawwwww.
    That's media propaganda crappola.
    Doug and Dave would have to be two busy Muthas, and would have to stay sober much of the time and would have to do a HELL of a lot of traveling, because this crop glyphs are appearing all over the globe, in ever increasing complexity.

    And the effort D&D put forth that one time, with the TV cameras rolling, to "show HOW they did it"... haaaaaa, what a couple of SLOB ARTISTS. Their "work" was the sorriest ass imitation of the "real" crop circles you could imagine. They butchered the wheat and their "precision" sucked to high heaven.

    There has been serious research into the crop circle/agriglyph phenomenon... and Doug and Dave (one of 'ems dead now, anywho) were/are not among the researchers.

    The scientists who have researched the "real" crop formations note things like the wheat or other crops, not being broken or crushed or bruised, but 'bent', with what looks like some source of heat to make the plant limber. Also, the plants have been "woven" together in their patterns. Could Doug and Dave have done that in one night, after several pints at the Pub?

    And some of the crops that these formations have appeared in are rape.
    I've grown rape myself in my own garden. I grew it for the tender greens, but the English Farmers grow it for the seed which yields an oil. Rape stalks are about as crisp and brittle as celery stalks.
    How in Hades do you get Rape Stalks to lay over flat and woven together in super complex patterns??

    This is STILL a mystery, Alan.
    NOT Doug and Dave.
    Look into it a little bit deeper.

    I ain't saying its "Aliens" doing it from their Flying Saucers.
    For all I know, it could be advanced technology from high flying whatevers, or satellites, using microwave or some kind of laser or beam technology, to play with the fruiting fields and practice their "drawing skills"...


  • JanH
    This is STILL a mystery, Alan.

    Were you and YouKnow separated at birth, Tally?

    I read your rants about the UFO-cults' conspiracy theories, and then I read YouKnow's LaRouchian fantasies about the British Oligarchy conspiracies. It is not hard to note the similarities.

    The main simliarity, of course, is the lack of ability -- or desire -- to examine issues rationally.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Tallyman


    Please, inform me, what is your rational explanation which solves the mystery of the crop circles/agriglyphs?

    I love a good "who dunnit?"

    Let's see your Sherlockian Powers of Case Solving at work?

    Who Dunnit?


  • Tallyman

    and as an aside... forgot about God/The Divine/Deity for a moment, and please tell me also, if you think there are Other Intelligences in this vast universe which interact with humans, at all?


  • JanH


    The crop circles were pranks. It has been explained. Those two guys started it, many copycats followed. Very simple. Of course UFOlogists can't ever admit being fooled so easily.

    I think it is extremely likely that there is life other places in the universe. It is very likely to be intelligent life elsewhere.

    If they were here, we should know. If they came, I find it somewhat more likely that organizations like NASA or US Air Force would see them first, and not rednecks from the US midwest.

    The UsGivt/NASA coverup theories are just another version of the usual conspiracy nut theories we all heard before.... an American hobby sorta.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

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