Guaranteed way not to get disfellowshipped

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    If it’s looking like someone may be disfellowshiped or announced they are no longer a JW and they don’t want to be shunned they just want to fade without being shunned - Just say that would make me suicidal


    in the new shepherding book it says if they say that then don’t go ahead with it

  • joe134cd

    It’s been ten years since I last stepped into a KH. . In dealing with orthodox JW my advice is “the less said the better off you’ll be.”

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Yes the less said the better.

    Some really do manage to fade by just stopping coming to any meetings or ministry and avoiding all JWs for a couple of years.

    They would have to avoid replying to any anyone in the congregation and hope they don’t run into anyone and they would have to somehow avoid the elders attempts to come and talk to them. Sometimes elders wait outside their workplace or their home trying to ambush them and get them to say something anything at all that can be twisted and used against them.

    This is why moving away for a while is a good tactic

    sometimes elders make something up based on something they said.

    if all else fails and the individual really doesn’t want to be shunned then just say they are feeling suicidal

    once everyone knows this there should never ever be anymore shunning ever again 😀

  • BluesBrother

    In my case the slow fade worked well. Here in UK the elders have not bothered with me. When I initially resigned and stopped reporting I expected them to reach out to me, but in the end my wife actuality had to beg them to talk to me. I had an hour of their time in the KH and then no more . The cong. where we live now have ignored me completely although they know me from association .

    I have remembered to be diplomatic around dubs so they don’t care. That suits me fine.

  • Ron.W.

    I hate the way the jw's question faders like the gestapo when they bump into them.

    They seem to think they have a god given right to ask intrusive, personal questions to you whilst you are in the checkout surrounded by other shoppers.

    I blanked the last guy who did this and his face became contorted with rage when he realised he had no power - what a tosser!

  • BoogerMan

    For anyone wanting to fade as peacefully & trouble-free as possible, there are 3 key words to remember when any JW - especially elders - ask why you're missing meetings & field srvice: "Private & personal."

    Let them know know it's nothing you can discuss - except with Jehovah in prayer - thank them for their concern, and tell them that it's good to know you can call them if things change!

    Elders: "Are you refusing to talk with us?

    No, I just can't discuss things right now.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ""I'm doing just fine these days thanks for your concern.

    If I need anything,,,I'll let you know".

    The above few words I've been told,,should just work fine.😏

  • Vidiot

    The closest I’ve ever gotten in the past 15-odd years is an aunt telling me it would be nice to see me active again (paraphrasing, but not much).

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    My bunch would happily red flag( have police take guns) you.

  • joe134cd

    I can relate something similar to Bluesbrother. I hear reports of ones when they leave of harassment by elders. When I left, and to this point in time, I’ve heard nothing. So much so, that I don’t know if it was a blessing at their lack of interest or an insult. Idk so much for going after the lost sheep.

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