my old partner daryl kunde's father died at the silverdome assembly last week. It seem's kind of ironic but about 11 years ago when I was still going to the assemblys, We were at the silver dome and 8 old people collapsed from the heat. [there is not air in the dome] this made me mad and I vented to daryl the monday after the assembly. He told me very curtly that they did not have to come to the assembly and that it was there desision to go, and thair problem. I wonder how he feels now that his father died in the heat of the silver dome. do you think he feels that it was his desision? I know that is kind of harsh but that is what I felt when he told me that about the 8 people taken from the dome 11 years ago.
carl kunde dies at silverdome
by kilroy2 19 Replies latest jw experiences
Ah, the lovely Silverdome! I have many
fondhorrible memories of that place. Turning my Watchtower into a fan, watching people party at The Main Event restaurant whilst we suffered, watching brothers run through the halls with a stretcher...Wouldn't it make sense to have the District Conventions in more seasonable weather?
I remember Daryl from JWO - If you are reading at any point Daryl - my sincerest condolences!
How can an indoor arena NOT be air conditioned?
That is horrible but Karma man Karma
There are endless stories of injuries at the district conventions. Mainly heat related.
I saw many babies sunburned. There was one case of a little girl I knew, who was extremely sunburned, and someone walked on her accidently, and peeled the first layer of skin right off of her.
People fainting, falling down stairs. Such a loving, upbuilding place.
I wonder how he feels now that his father died in the heat of the silver dome
Probably devastated. Who is this Carl Kunde and why was his death "karma"?
Don't know these people, but I still think it is a very sad event. Daryl has my sympathy.
He has my sympathy's too. But the ironey is still present, I used to argue with daryl about his older brother, He was dfed. about 25 years ago for living with a girl he eventualy married and had children with.
He used to visit the family untill the hard line against df'ed children came down from the ivory tower
That is when gene and carl and daryl and karen [his sister] stoped talking to him.
I used to ask daryl wile we worked[ we installed carpet and flooring] what he would feel if he came to the conclusion that the tower was wrong and he let them tell him and his family to treat his blood like shit.
He said it was his brothers choice to leave the family,I shot back that no, it was his brothers choice to leave the religion,the family left his brother. he said nothing for the rest of the day.
Daryl is very self absorbed in the high you can get from the attention that comes from getting up in front of a dumbhall full of other mind numb people and getting a golf clap after reading and outline.
I used to tell him wile working that being an elder is about as prestigous as being head of the local book club.
All the years we worked togeather he never told the other elders about my apostacy, before you go and say wow he had a good hart. we made good money installing flooring about 75k each a year. and the van and the tools were mine. so do the math. money talks and hova walks.
My sympathies to the Kunde family.
Kilroy2, I hope that maybe something you said whilst working with Daryl might stick in his mind, and perhaps the death of his father will cause him to think about things, particularly the unloving way the family turned their back on their son and brother.
How can an indoor arena NOT be air conditioned?
I've been in the Silverdome at one of those conventions - and it can get NASTY! It might be "indoors", but it's usually a football field, and there is no air conditioning. THere's also no breeze nor winds - its horrible. Hot, sticky smoltering. I knew personally of an older woman in our congregation who had to be taken to the hospital for heat stroke during our 4-day adventure in sauna land.