I was wondering why they ended the "Bunker Video" as they did ... with an armed militia finding the JWs huddled in the corner of the basement ... fade to black. The JWs watching don't know what happened after that. Did they kill them? Did they haul them off to jail? Or take them to a concentration camp?
I think the ending they chose was well thought out and intentional. It is such a cruel psychological game. They ended the story at the height of the "fear" felt by the viewers. It abandons the viewer in the "fight or flight" mode. When a person is in the fight or flight mode, he instinctively perceives anything in their world as a threat to their survival. Fear becomes the lens through with you see everything in the world. When you are stuck in that state, it is hard to think critically. I think we will see quite an uptick in JW paranoia in the coming months following the summer conventions, and probably a rise in ones wanting to get out, but too paralyzed by fear to do anything about it.