I was not raised a dub and was 'in' for only 12 years so there are 'many' things I don't know about the borg, that's why I ask alot of questions. This is just another question that came into my mind some time ago and would appreciate any thoughts or opinions.
In the whole time I associated with jws, I never heard of any member of the GB/anointed/ anything above the R&F..........your 'average' publisher..........dying from refusing blood.
Every experience I ever read about in the WTS magazines was either about young adult jws/dear old faithful bro. or sister so-and-so/ children and their obedient parents, making a decision to refuse blood and choose death.................because real life in the paradise earth was worth more than extending life in this system. But I have NEVER read or come to know of any 'higher up' jws dying for the same cause.
I've became very suspicious of the GB and their double standards since coming to know of their cover-ups with the UN and the sexual abuse scandals, and many other things that people on this forum have shared. I have myself been a victim of their corrupt judicial committee procedures and know they are capable of anything.
I recently remembered a conversation I had with a surgeon in a hospital in Australia several years ago. My mother (also a jw at the time) had to have a serious operation and the blood issue came up. I got the gloves on and was ready for a fight, after all, as jws we are told to view these satanic tests as an opportunity to prove our loyalty to and love for god.I thought 'I love god and I'll show them'.
The surgeon told me, after I bombarded him with all the ................blah, blah, blah....... we are trained to say.................., that he was so insistent my mother consent to signing the form to authorise them to give her blood should she need it because, get this.................
- he had met many jws that would say, in front of family and friends, that they didn't want blood.
- but when they were in pre-op they asked to be given blood if they needed it, just as long as no other jws knew about it.
At the time I thought he was lying, trying to weaken our decision. But I have a feeling he was telling the truth, I mean, the WTS tells us the UN is evil but they are members of it for over 10 years. Who are the proven liers?
Maybe the GB, WTS, is quite happy for 'others' to die taking a stand on the blood issue while 'they' choose other options.
So if you know of any GB member or other (not R&F) jw that has died by abstaining from blood, please share. Otherwise, maybe, they choose this life and let others die. That would be worst than the tragedy already at hand.
Cheers, Bliss