Lurkers! Stop Blaiming Satan For Your Own Problems!

by metatron 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Where would Jehovah's Witnesses be if they couldn't blame all their problems on THE DEVIL?

    Maybe they would be forced to confront --- FINALLY--- their own foolishness!

    Case in point: I had a nice chat with Sister A. in which I expressed my deepest sympathy for her tired daughter,

    who is married to a lovable - but half crazy - elder I know. This affable goon may have seriously injured the health

    of one of their children ( by accident, the brain needs oxygen). They are endlessly broke from one failed scheme

    after another. Every fact of logic points to his having made a mess of his family - with much more trouble to come.

    - unimpeded because, of course, SISTERS MUST be in subjection!

    And how does Sister A. explain this? "Satan is certainly after us".

    IT AIN'T SATAN, SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!! ( how much improvement might be had by a threat 'to divorce your sorry ass'?)

    How did Satan ever get to be so MUCH MORE ATTENTIVE than God , in this twisted theology?

    He's always watching, waiting, intervening --- while God apparently has the day off. And Satan is behind EVERY attempt

    to reform the Watchtower - it's all 'apostasy' , you know.

    Will a day ever come when these poor suffering people WAKE UP and take personal responsibility

    for their sad lives

    or will they always use Satan as their fall guy?


  • gumby
    He's always watching, waiting, intervening --- while God apparently has the day off. And Satan is behind EVERY attempt

    Remember now.......Satan walk about like a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. God is just a little kitten.


  • cruzanheart

    By blaming Satan for every bad thing and "waiting on Jehovah" for every good thing, no good JW ever has to take responsibility for their actions or use their brain to figure out what is the best solution to a problem. That results in a completely wasted life while they wait for a future that never comes.


  • caligirl

    Well put cruzan! What a sad situation though, and that pitiful excuse is probably the only thing that poor woman has to cling to.

  • pamkw

    Exactly cruzan, that is the part I rebelled against so much as a kid. My mom would say it doesn't matter if we are happy now, we will be happy in the new order. Please, I always wanted to know why I couldn't be happy now. My mom has a horriable life, and does nothing to stand up for herself. She is still waiting. I asked her the other day, how she could still hang on after 30 some years. Her answer, there are older ones who have waited 60 or more years. When I asked, and what has it gotten them, she changed the subject. A whole life time wasted, and she seems to like that way.


  • gumby
    By blaming Satan for every bad thing and "waiting on Jehovah" for every good thing, no good JW ever has to take responsibility for their actions or use their brain to figure out what is the best solution to a problem. That results in a completely wasted life while they wait for a future that never comes.


    Us guys are gettin pretty good at speakin. Well said Nina. Gumby

  • wednesday

    i know a sis who weighs well over 400 # and eats a lot and does nothing to help herself. "Jehovah will make me slim in the new system, why bother now" .delusional people

  • Brummie
    God is just a little kitten.

    *flutters eyes*

    Great post Metatron.


  • minimus

    I've always said, "Poor Satan. He's always getting blamed for everything"..........Satan to Witnesses is almost as strong as the Almighty Jehovah. And Jehovah won't interfere with Satan's crafty acts because "it's not time yet".

  • TR

    Yet, somehow 'Hovah "blessed" the 'hovahs that become wealthy? What gives? Evidently the wealthy 'hovahs didn't put "Hovah first" while they were working their asses off to become wealthy, so why would 'Hovah bless them?


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