Do You See JWs Going From House to House Anymore?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    Didn't the cult already have new light for adherents to be more prolific a few yrs. ago discouraging certain birth control? Interesting, after decades of wanting couples to be childless to have their exclusive devotion and slavery. They'd obviously tried one segment of Mormanism. They're too iliterate to implement the positives of the LDS church but they did change their name like Mormans.

    Mormans spent millions past few decades going user friendly and trying to appear normal mainstream. Perhaps the two wack-a-doozy cults could merge.

  • just fine
    just fine

    Arrgghh - they were just here again twice in 2 months. This time ladies from a hall about an hour away. I seriously live in the middle of nowhere......

  • blondie

    just fine, you are in an ideal spot for them to drive from home to your house, knock on your door, wait, if someone comes okay, if not, they can still count their time, to and from and the little time they talked to you.

  • just fine
    just fine

    I tried a different tactic this time. I told them I had looked in JWs before but I just couldn’t get past how families would treat their children in the disfellowshipping scenario. It was unfathomable to me how anyone could do that to their child. They danced a bit but then relented and went with keeping the congregation clean.

    I said your faith would have to be pretty weak to allow someone else to sway you from it, just by associating with them.

    and yes to the counting time- it was a whole minivan load of them, and where I live you have to drive from one house to the next.

  • blondie

    I figured as much. Sometimes people from a neighboring congregation help out another congregation with little worked areas in their territory, make a big party of it, camping/hotels/no meetings, etc. But every 2 months, drive from house to house? Gives the others time to gossip about others in the congregation, eat, use their cellphone, etc. No scriptural discussions there. I was in a congregation like that, but the houses were not that far away from each other, no one wanted to walk up the driveways to the house (about 50 feet). I learned to count my time from time I left the my door until I walked through my door again.

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