This is so surreal; I'm gonna find me an 18 year-old pioneer sister... mmmm...
Online JW matchmaking!
by Abaddon 21 Replies latest jw friends
Something really creepy is that some crazy witness guy who was stalking my sister (a former witness) put her face on another woman's body and put an ad on there for her...Then he had an imaginary relationship with her, in which he checked her email (we have no idea how-she hardly knew the guy) and threatened her boyfriends....Very bizarre....
Who knows the KM song #'s? Someone here must....
During IM chat, my daughter has been PMed by jw guys from other congregations who posed as other guys and tried to fool her, which prompted her to label jw guys in general as "losers".
Check out the bio of Humble_servant:
I am a very spiritual brother and a chronic pioneer.
I usually spend 200 hours in service and always arrive at the meetings half an hour early so I can maximize by worship. If I'm not on the service, reading the bible, or at the meeting then I'll probably be watching a star wars DVD or playing on my train set. I have just purchased a new model train called an Electro 4 million plus (complete with various add-ons: horn, lights, PA system etc) - it is truly awesome. However, please don't get the idea that I sacrifice pioneering at the altar of my Electro 4 million plus'.
My main spiritual goal is to become a microphone attendant and/or sounds deck monitor. However, this is very competitive in my hall but I am striving to achieve this 'spiritual-resume gold star'.
On an academic note I would like to point out that I have a BA (Hons) in pottery and needle craft from London Metropolitan University. (Note: please don't assume that because I am academically gifted that I am not humble or spiritual).Is this guy serious?! LOL LOL
Omg Im gonna go play with my trains now .. are you attracted to me yet ?!?! Well how bout this ? *whips out a big microphone* Im striving to be a micro dick .. erm I mean microphone attendant which is a very compeditve feild in our hall.. IM HARD!! I ROCK!!
Are you in love yet ?
Greven - Ya know..... while first reading that I thought that it must be a fake but the more I thought about it the more it seems like the real thing. Did it say how old he was or anything?
BTW - I was the sound box attendant. More of a hassle than anything else, especially when noone would show up for their assignments.
Kansas District Overbeer
ooooooooooer *swoon* *ROAR!* If I wasnt already husbanded pr_capone I'd jump your tape deck in a flash!! .. I just love men with HIGH privaledges.
PS do you do pottery or needle craft ?
Hey PR
He is a 24 year old pioneer in London, UK. His Pic:
You can find him by selecting brothers, age 18-65. he is at the bottom of the first 10.
Seriously this guy must lead a dull life indeed if he plays with trains and is 'striving to achieve this 'spiritual-resume gold star'' as mike attendant! I feel sorry for him!
*whips out a big microphone* Im striving to be a micro dick .. erm I mean microphone attendant which is a very compeditve feild in our hall.. IM HARD!! I ROCK!!
I did a mike job in my cong. Oooh the fun I had, checking out hotties wink wink nudge nudge. Playing karate kid with the pole...yeah it was fun! Besides the people grapping the darn thing and the occasional spit I am glad I didn't had to clean the mike afterwards....
There are true hotties out there though:
It is a damn shame the site doesn't give e-mail adresses if you do not enlist first....