In fact there can be any doubt that such a database exists, at least it was even confirmed by speakers of the Wt in legal cases and to the press as well.
Whereas for the "world" such database looks like a "hidden database of criminals" is seen by the watchtower as a "supervising & care" tool for the security of the congregation in the office of spiritulal succor, a tool that is to be used internal and seen as advanced. The data of all members, the victims as well, are treated with a certain privacy if not reported publicly. If that is really a good way is questionable. It can lead to a cult-intelligence apartment controlling over the members or being responsible. If an abuser is reported to the Jw-database and it changes the congregation the other congregation would be informed about the abusers change. The public and the single members are not informed only the elders
What regards to the content of the database, we have seen here in the forum copies of the forms that are sent to the legal desk with the detailled notes for each of such cases.