This REALLY is ridiculous, its unreal. According to JW's own rhetoric, the anointing is one of, if not the most, important doctrine to their beliefs. It is one of the biggest things deciding that it is the "last days". It is the "calling" of the "special" humans that will judge humanity themselves. These anointed are said to become immortal, and are providing the very knowledge to the organization.
Wouldn't we all agree that being anointed, is HUGE, in this religion. So, with that being said, how could, what arguably be the MOST IMPORTANT doctrine, have so much confusion around it? We know that this is a calling, and is done by Gods holy spirit itself. The importance cannot be overstated. Yet, God himself is making "mistakes", REALLY???
If its "holy spirit" that chooses, and anoints these persons, surely Gods same holy spirit could not allow ANY from falsely feeling they are anointed? Especially when it concerns this specific situation, in where the anointed are a HUGE part of EVERYTHING.
WTF, how is this "smoke n mirror" BS, not being called out more. This is insane. The ONLY earthly organization that God himself is using's, most important doctrine, is "tainted" by MENTALLY, and EMOTINALLY DISEASED people, seriously??
This is what these 7 charlatans have to offer, these days. This is the best they can come up with? The fact that they feel this "explanation" is satisfactory, just shows how dumbed down this religion has gotten. It actually makes sense since there are SOO MANY mentally disturbed people in the R&F, lol.