I am sure you have stories as well of elders being a hard ass on many, yet turning a blind eye to the 'sins' of their own family or close connections. Cheers everyone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMa1AUAUR2o
JW Double Standards and Hypocrisy in the Congregation!!!
by Christian Gutierrez 27 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
Happens ALL the time. There is a person in our family with a heavy drinking problem. Has been disfellowshipped for the same 2x previously; reinstated a few months back, but the drinking to the level of passing out often hasn't stopped. The wife is the perfect reg pioneer. All in our family know it and nobody will turn him in.
There is no justice whatsoever in this religious org. Is there justice in any man-made org?
Christian Gutierrez
Hi Doubtfully Yours! Wow I swear it sounds like your talking about one of my jw family members haha. Yup same thing. Drinking problem but nobody brings him in or says anything.
In my old congregation (Kirkby, Liverpool) there was an elder who beats up his wife. He's still serving as an elder there. His wife left him because she couldn't take the abuse anymore, she used to turn up to the KH with black eyes and a broken arm.
Doubtfully Yours
There is one elder who neglects his sick bed-ridden wife horribly. The other elders and several other cong members know it, and yet nobody will move a finger to remove and privately admonish him.
The saddest situation I have seen.
CHRISTIAN- Great thread, thanks for posting it. In my time in the JW organization from birth until my did 40's when I exited over 14 years ago- I saw this so many times in elders psychologically assaulting and being abusive to rank & file JW's - it was ridiculous. They treated me like I was on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list- I swear. They stalked me several years after I exited the Witnesses. It's a criminal organization that trains elders minds to be hypocritical, have double standards, and become " legends " in their own minds- abusing power.
If you get a chance - check out my other thread I posted on this similar topic :
Take care, enjoy freedom of mind
There is one elder who neglects his sick bed-ridden wife horribly. --DY
So do the elders try to get sisters to come in and help her rather than let her suffer? Do the sisters without the elders telling them?
In the bible, it is written that Jesus read the religious leaders a riot act when they criticized him for healing a man on the Sabbath when they would rescue a sheep stuck in a ditch on the Sabbath and told them that a man was worth more than a sheep.
I hope someone is helping her.
Christian Gutierrez
There is more of a concern to carry out duties in the congregation than actually caring about the people in the congregation.
Christian and Krista?
You have hit on a basic point of jws, they serve people not god. They don't believe god sees or hears what they are doing.
In the bible, the Jews were worshipping a false god in the temple itself, saying "Jehovah as left the land, he is not seeing."
So I call them "God doesn't see us" jws.
As to inactive, they are avoided as bad, I speak from experience.
My motto is no pearls before swine.
" There is more of a concern to carry out duties in the congregation than actually caring about the people in the congregation. "
Exactly, you nailed it. JW's are all about carrying out WT Society functions than showing real authentic love , or showing any personality traits resembling " the fruitages of the spirit " . It's about competition, envy, position, and manipulation of each other