Anyone know?
What happened to the 2020 Annual Meeting? Was it suspended?
by Misterme 15 Replies latest jw friends
Good question I was just having a conversation about it online and wondering the same thing.
??? -
Perhaps it happened "invisibly"?
Maybe they will now be overlapping Annual meetings.
St George of England
I would have thought that the legal part of the AGM, the part that we never see, would have to take place.
Maybe the rest of the AGM will be replaced by GB updates such as we are seeing on JW Broadcasting.
I guess the public AGM before a live audience could not happen due to Covid
Has any new literature been published in the past 2 years? The last book was the Pure Worship book in 2018, is that right? Plus volume 1 of the Study Bible, which has had a very limited print release.
At their pear, in the 1970s and 80s, they were publishing two or more books a year, plus brochures, tracts, calendars, and other physical media.
Evidently (sic!) the talk about next year's year text (which is a permanent feature (!) of the Annual Meeting) was delivered by Samuel Herd as a prerecorded talk and is already online (as well as the January study edition of the Watchtower, which traditionally (?) contains the corresponding study article). In the last years the Annual Meeting was featured in the January JW Broadcasting. My guess is, it was held via videoconference in a very small circle and the rest of it will be posted in January, when all the talks have beeb translated, simutaneously in all the languages. Any news (changes, publications -- if there are any) will be communicated at that latter date.
Beth Sarim
Annual Meeting using zoom, with only select 'elite' JW's, who knows.
Yes, the annual meeting will be posted in January in the form of prerecorded talks, and everyone (including Bethelites and others who otherwise would have joined the spiritual program at the Stanley Theater or some other facility) will watch the talks on early next year.
@slimboyfat : Nowadays the organization is focused more on producing digital content and video content. Apparently the demand for printed publications has diminished. And also paying for Akamai and Amazon cloud services is probably cheaper than printing as many pages as they used to print 15 years ago.