Can someone point me in the right direction for this cd-rom? I have been having some discussions with a JW and I can't get access to any of the source material without going through him. I asked him if I could burn it but he wouldn't let me because of copyright laws, etc. Anyways, The particular cd-rom I am looking for has all the publications starting from the 50's(I thinkJ) and up to 1999-98 if my memory serves me correctly. I thought mayb someone would be selling it on e-bay but I couldn't find it there either. Is there anywhere I can buy this?
1999 watchtower cd-rom.
by IRQ 0 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Why not ask him if he will help you can buy one from the wt. Or offer to contribute for it. No copyright problems and the wt makes money.
How much is a 99 Library CD going for these days?
Since the WTS is a registered charity, all publications can be had for whatever amount the contributor thinks is fair. Just my two cents.
Just my two cents.
C'mon, jgnat -- you could spend more than two cents on that high-quality Watchtower literature!!
You really want the 2001 CD-ROM. They don't make the 1999 one any more. The 2001 version has a much better interface and includes two more years worth of publications.
Maybe I should make it available for download. muhahahaha
Whats the official name of the 2001 cd-rom? I ask because there are tons of source material out there and more than a couple cd's floating about with material published by the watchtower. Is there a link you can provide to purchase one?
IRQ, you cannot purchase the CD-ROM, but you can have a JW order one for you through the Kingdom Hall. You may be asked to make a donation for the CD-ROM.
The official name is "Watchtower Library 2001 CD-ROM" or something like that. Sometimes you can find them on ebay, but it would be cheaper just to make a $10 or $20 donation and have a JW get it for you.
You really want the 2001 CD-ROM. They don't make the 1999 one any more. The 2001 version has a much better interface and includes two more years worth of publications.
Yes, the 2001 has a better user interface, but the 1999 WT CD-ROM has the "Babylon the Great" book, while the 2001 CD does not!
I know of two places where this cd is located for download currently. I only have one problem in giving the locations out though. It was already discussed on another thread a few months ago also. MY problem in giving the locations out is -- it is very simple for a WT mole to come here and sign up for the purpose of finding these locations. To give the Society enough ammunition to shut down a website or expose someone's personal identity through their ISP should make anyone cautious as to who gets these downloads. Personally, I don't mind giving out the locations as long as I know you or someone else can vouch for you, or, if you have been on this board for a while and have enough posts to show that you are not a Society Player.
I hope that was a reasonable enough explanation.