July 2020 Watchtower - A little observation

by Listener 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener

    This is a comment made in the latest Study Watchtower under the main discussion of humility

    11 Jehovah values humility more than ability and unity more than efficiency. Therefore, do your best to serve Jehovah with humility. In doing so, you will promote unity in the congregation (Read Ephesians 4:2, 3.

    They are always so presumptuous to decide what Jehovah views are.

    The only scriptures they used to support their claims is Ephesians 4:2,3 which states

    2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

    This scripture does not support the idea that God values humility more than ability or unity more than efficiency.

    It makes me wonder if they think that God values ability more than efficiency but I guess the point is that they don't think that neither of those qualities are very important to them and from the many stories we have heard over the decades, particularly from those working at Bethel, this is true.

    Often ability relies on education and training and since they think that pride leads to a person studying for long periods of time, it's easy to see why they have made this statement.

    They don't have a great deal of respect with the idea that being efficient is an excellent quality to consider in whatever we are doing, unless it's a hobby that is all about fun and enjoyment.

    But the worst thing about their comment is that they put two qualities above another two qualities and they don't even relate to each other. That is, you can have humility and unity regardless of how efficient or capable a person is. It's a nonsense statement yet as part of their divine worship, they will study this and be in awe at the wisdom of the GB.

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    It’s purely a control mechanism. Talent and intelligence = Pride, and perhaps a life of adequate finances, which is not something the GB want for the flock in general.

    Sure, they love the occasional rich Dub, or Eldub with a business they can use, but the rank and file should be uneducated for the most part, and compliant. How on Earth could the GB control educated, confident people?

    Those WT statements are a way to make uneducated Dubs feel better, as in, “Jehovah loves you even though you have no real skills, just paint the best you can with this 2” paint brush.” It’s busy work for those who put up with the abuse.

    It’s a carrot and stick routine as well. “God loves you and will use you, but check yourself, you lowly worm..”

    I wonder how the GB feel about humble but inefficient Lawyers?? 🤔


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  • smiddy3

    Didn`t they put feelers out for Accountants and lawyers a few years ago ? To achieve those goals they would have had to pursue higher education ,something they frown upon for the rank & file members.

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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Whatever it is that the GB need to further their paradise fraud, they find a scripture or two and say that their thoughts are what Jehovah wants. . . and the lowly-worm JWs buy it! And what does the GB want: to have an uncomplaining and compliant workforce who don't need to be paid.

    The governing body are cunning little scripture twisters bending the Bible round to their own vision.

    Indeed Listener, efficiency and ability are not related directly to humility. However it is not the inclination of uneducated slaves to seek out efficient working methods.

    I assume the reason for the Watchtower mentioning this is because 1 it has been pointed out how grossly inefficient preaching has become (what up to 15,000 preaching hours spent to gain one new recruit -- and most of them are the children of JWs to start with!) and 2 that the religion is attracting a diminishing number of people with "ability"? The latter being inevitable when the official JW line is "don't get an education".

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  • BluesBrother

    Personally I have no argument with tnis statement, although I have not read the context.

    We are talking of Christianity, not market driven capitalism. Despite the failings of the WTS , if we look to scriptures, I think of tne 1st chapter Corinthians

    "26 For you see his calling of you, brothers, that there are not many wise in a fleshly way,*+ not many powerful, not many of noble birth,*+ 27 but God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world to put the strong things to shame;+ 28 and God chose the insignificant things of the world and the things looked down on, the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,+ 29 so that no one* might boast in the sight of God. 30 But it is due to him that you are in union with Christ Jesus, who has become to us wisdom from God, also righteousness+ and sanctification+ and release by ransom"


    Nobody likes a proud arrogant person. The God of the Bible does not either. Of course people of ability are needed and valued but in Christian terms, it must be coupled with a degree of humility. I have known, a long time ago , elders I worked with who had basic education and worked on a dust cart or such menial jobs . These men had more organizational ability than the highly qualified managers at my workplace.

    Sadly such elders are hardly seen today.

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  • JimmyYoung

    They are using the word Humility for do as you are told without question and you will get along just fine.

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  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova values stupidity, inferiority, and suffering along with mindless obedience more than it values anyone that is capable of doing anything really useful.

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  • LongHairGal


    The worthless JW religion is in love with abject servility and this is REALLY what they want from their followers.. They won’t call it this, of course. Instead, they say ‘humility’. But, we all know what they mean.


    You’re right on the mark about the religion wanting ignorant and compliant followers. They might like the occasional rich JW with a business. That rich JW also loves the idea of desperate JWs working for them for cheap! Everybody’s happy.

    It’s also my opinion that the religion wants uneducated people because (I suspect) what happened at some point was that educated people must have gotten into it verbally with ignorant elders/COs..They naturally ended up looking stupid so they issued directives ‘condemning’ higher education.. So, some shithead hurt EGO was at the bottom of this I’ll bet.

    I’m sure this attitude also figured into why I was viewed so negatively because of the full time job I had. They not only hated all people with education/careers. But, they hated a woman even more so.. I’m glad I paid no attention to their opinion because I wouldn’t be Retired.

    Let them go ask somebody ELSE for charity in this coronavirus crisis they are now jumping on the bandwagon about!

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  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Please be a doormat and if we tell you to empty the sea with collander, do it.

    Ephesians - oops sorry typo, Mein Kampf 4:2,3

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  • waton

    "Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave." "jesus', proposing humility from the top down, not bottom up.

    wt bullies have gained top positions, in many places. A replay of Mein Krampf.

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