WHo wrote COC? A member of the GB or a nephew of a member of the GB?
Quick question...
by stephaniesays 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
by Raymond Franz, former member of the governing gbody of jehovah's witnesses.
Ray Franz was both a Governing Body member and a nephew of Fred Franz.
Ray Franz (author CoC) served on the Governing Body, and so did his uncle, who was President before he died. Rev ---------- LambsRoar.org
how's that for quick??
Oh, okay...Thanks! I was talking to a JW "friend" of mine today (I put quotation marks because I know she would not continue to talk to me if I told her how I felt), and she said she had come across some stupid apostate site that was by that nephew of a GB member who wrote a book about the JW's....All I had heard was that he was a GB member...Gotta get that book!! :)
Quick answer: Both.
Raymond Franz wrote CoC, and was the nephew of the Society's "oracle" Fred Franz. He was on the Governing Body from about 1971 until he left Bethel in 1980. Fred Franz, of course, had been a member of the "governing body" and Vice-President of the WTS since about 1942.
sorry, I thought Fred was President
Nathan Natas
Freddy got to play president after Nathan croaked.
A listing of the presidents of The Watchtower Society:
Charles Taze Russell (anointed) 1879 - 1916
Joseph Franklin Rutherford (anointed) 1917 - 1942
Nathan Homer Knorr (anointed) 1942 - 1977
Frederick William Franz (anointed) 1977 - 1992
Milton George Henschel (anointed) 1993 - 2000
Don Adams (not anointed) 2000 - presentRussell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz and Henschel are all directing the WTB&TS from Jesus' Throne Room in Heaven now. Don Adams (not the actor/comedian) is a figurehead President of the legal entity. The real WTB&TS power center today is Ted Jaracz of the Governing Body, a psychologically truncated humorless and unlikeable old sod.
Thunder just got it COC