Should JWs Be Allowed To Foster...This Child Died Over Blood

by ISP 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    Should JWs be allowed to pro-create then?

    Where is this going?

  • BluesBrother

    Much as I now dislike the Borg , one cannot allow this to go unchallenged

    However, the parents refused to have the child back because they said that it was no longer the same child.

    Utter baloney! Although I am sure that it was reproduced here in good faith.

    No witness parent that I have ever known would reject their child in such circumstances. And the cong. would tell the parents to continue to act as a family

    This seems to have been a question raised in Government , but I cannot accept that it happened , unless the parents were utter nutcases outside of the normal cong inflence

    As far as fostering goes, my understanding has been the same as others, that foster children are outside of the rules and medical beliefs cannot be forced on them . This unfortunate young man was a practising witness, however he heard of it

  • NeonMadman
    The deceased was an adult, but he was influenced to give his life up for nothing by his JW indoctrination. Although it was said it was his own decision, we all know what that means don't we? He would have been DF'd - disowned by his foster parents if he had gone against the WTS dogma. Did he have any real choice?

    I would not allow dubs to adopt. Their teachings can kill.

    But don't you see that the same reasoning could apply to any manner of spreading their teaching? If their teachings can kill, why allow them to call on houses and distribute literature? Why, as nilfun asked, allow them to procreate, since there is no question that they will attempt to raise their offspring in their deadly beliefs? Perhaps it should be against the law for JW's to attempt to spread their beliefs in any manner? Is that really where we want our society to go? In the direction of less religious freedom for all?

    The purpose of taking foster children is not to convert them to one's religion. It certainly wasn't for me, even as a JW. If they had converted, I suppose that I would have been happy about it at the time; now I'm glad they didn't. In fact, foster parents are generally closely supervised by social workers, and a foster parent whose main purpose was to convert the children, especially to unusual beliefs such as the JW's have, probably wouldn't last too long.

    But JW's and others who foster parent provide a valuable service for the children involved, and in most areas, there are far too few parents willing to accept the responsibility. To refuse to allow JW's to foster parent because the children they foster might become JW's themselves, and might, at some time in the indeterminate future, lead to their death because of the transfusion ban, is absurd. The amount of real good that is being done far outweighs the damage that might occur in situations like the one we are discussing. You might as well say that JW's shouldn't be allowed to hold jobs, because they might witness to someone on the job, and that person might become a JW and later die refusing a transfusion.

  • Latte

    What JWs do to themselves is one thing, giving them kids to mess up is another.


  • nilfun

    Is a child who is born to a JW a JW from birth? Or is said baby's indoctrination something that is done to them?

    Or is it the child's choice, something that s/he did to her/himself?

  • nilfun

    Another question:

    Since the teachings of JWs are so harmful, should JW kids be removed from their homes?

  • ISP

    nilfun, we are talking about fostering here. These kids come from difficult backgrounds, family breakdown, abuse etc. You would expect that the parents need to be able to understand and relate to these ones. I don't think exposing already vulnerable kids to the dangers of a destructive cult do much good. Its not just the blood issue, its the whole WTS scene with its view of society in general.

    Since the teachings of JWs are so harmful, should JW kids be removed from their homes?

    Well they have become wards of court on occasion and would be removed in cases of abuse etc.


  • nilfun

    Sorry ISP, I wasn't trying to divert the topic of the thread. It's just that a whole lot of questions begin to come up when I read:

    Although it was said it was his own decision, we all know what that means don't we? He would have been DF'd - disowned by his foster parents if he had gone against the WTS dogma. Did he have any real choice?

    I feel that questioning the fitness of a JW as a foster parent (based on their religious? cultic? beliefs) can call into question their fitness as a parent--of their biological children too.

  • ISP
    I feel that questioning the fitness of a JW as a foster parent (based on their religious? cultic? beliefs) can call into question their fitness as a parent--of their biological children too.

    The issues of JW upbringing was one of the reasons why I left. I did not want to bring my kids in the JW mindset. The problem with JWs is that they do not bring their kids up with a balanced, wholesome view of life, people and society. I have known of 3 people that have killed themselves because of their JW life. I wouldn't recommend the JW life and do not think that vulnerable children need the added burden of being brought up into a destructive cult.

    In the case of JW kids born to the family, they should stay with their parents unless it can be shown that they are in danger.


  • nilfun
    I wouldn't recommend the JW life and do not think that vulnerable children need the added burden of being brought up into a destructive cult.

    Okay, I get this. Thanks for taking the time to address my questions, they were asked in sincerity.

    Children who come from abusive situations belong to a high risk group as far as being susceptible to cultic groups like JWs. (does that make sense?)

    Thanks for "walking me through it", so to speak.

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