Going "Hollywood" not helping!

by eyeuse2badub 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    Going “Hollywood” hasn’t seemed to help build any enthusiasm for the wtbts. Think about it, JW’s now have their own studio to make videos and cartoons. The ‘kingdom’ dirges (songs) have received a makeover to a bit more modern tunes. Catchy little songs for their videos such as; ‘Just around the corner’ are now played via JW.Org. They now have their own version of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to educate the sheeple on all ‘new’ songs that have been added. What’s next? Possible a flag pole at each KH with the JW.Org flag flying?

    I attended the recent Long Beach, CA convention with 6,445 in attendance and only 30 baptized, mostly kids or .46%. Me thinks that jehober’s chariot is running out of holy spirit!

    Just saying!

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  • John Davis
    John Davis

    Are you using baptism at one convention as your quantitative evidence for the fact that it does not work or is you using some other evidence? I think your right but I just wanted to see how you got to that conclusion.

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    What’s next? Possible a flag pole at each KH with the JW.Org flag flying?

    It`s already happening at WBT$/JW Assemblies...


    JW.Org Flags flying at the 2015 Regional Convention in Fribourg, Switzerland

    Image result for JW.org flag

    JW.Org Flag at the special convention in Malta.

    Image result for JW.org flag


    Get your JW Kids a JW.ORG Flag!...

    Image result for JW.org flag

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  • steve2

    Are you using baptism at one convention as your quantitative evidence for the fact that it does not work or is you using some other evidence? I think your right but I just wanted to see how you got to that conclusion.

    It is a trend observed across many conventions and reported on this forum more frequently over the past 2 or so years - particularly the preponderance of children among the baptismal candidates.

    BTW, the OP made not claim to be adducing anything other than their own observation and raising a comment/conclusion that has also been well discussed on this forum in recent years: The growth of earlier years in terms of publisher numbers and baptisms (to use 2 examples) is no longer seen.

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  • Chook

    It's the movies that will reveal the cult propaganda to the fullest extent, the bunker video is off the charts , then Sergi not being allowed to join the orchestra with his violin. I honest believe the more movies they make the more some will wake up to this manipulation. The digital apparatus is anti everything, anti gay , any hobbies, anti neighbors, anti family ,parents not even answering ph calls from their non church going children . They the GB are getting more brazen in their daytime fairytales.

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  • JW_Rogue

    Yes, I think their manipulation is easier to see in these videos. And some are just downright cringe-worthy, with forced humor, bad acting, and moral lessons that don't stand up under scrutiny.

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  • dothemath

    Recently saw some pictures online of some who toured the new headquarters. They were all excited to get their pictures taken beside a huge Caleb +Sophie display.

    It reminded me of something you would see at Disneyland. Not long ago that would be outrageous in jdubland.

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  • waton

    all in line with the talking snake story. it is a joke. pay to be entertained!

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  • Listener

    During a monthly Broadcast, Morris the Third boasted about how one child thought h as Caleb's grandfather.

    This reminds me of their hatred of parents encouraging the idea of Santa Claus and written about in a 2010 Awake

    What the Bible says: “Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor.” Our closest ‘neighbors’ are our family members. (Ephesians 4:25) The Bible also says that we should “love truth,” “speaking the truth in [our] heart.” (Zechariah 8:19; Psalm 15:2) True, telling children that Santa (or the Christ child) is the bearer of presents at Christmas may seem to be innocent fun, but is it right or wise to deceive little children, even if one’s intentions are not bad? Do you not find it ironic that an occasion that is supposedly meant to honor Jesus becomes a time to deceive children?
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  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    There movie I think are decent... the one from the convention this year has some attractive girls and a special effects of a woman being turned to salt.

    Last year was the amazing angel (CGI) and the 300 style movie of Hezekiah.

    Hey they are ok.. We need more sex and violence though to be realistic... the society needs to watch the Spartacus series...lol

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