You ever have one of those things that happen to you that just leaves you speechless. Well the other day one of my best friends (someone I have known for years) told me that they might have cancer. They have a tumor in their leg that just changed size as well as a small lump in their arm. They will be making an appointment to have it properly diagnosed but the fact that it has grown and is in more than one place doesn't look like it might be good news.
I didnt know what to tell them I just gave them a hug and told them I'd be there in whatever way they needed me.
I have never dealt with anything such as this before and its scary knowing that someone my age could have to deal with this. I keep thinking that it shouldn't be like this. We should be talking about future goals not what to do if they need chemo therapy.
If anyone who has been there either could give me any advice on what to say/do (or not to say/do) it would be appreciated. I'd like to be strong for them but am just not quite sure how to.
Thanks for listening.