Do JW wedding vows provide a "way out"?

by Gopher 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rocketman

    Hey Gopher, almost forgot.....congratulations!

    Of course, perhaps one day your marriage will be divinely terminated.

  • Gopher

    Thanks Rocketman.

    Of course, perhaps one day your marriage will be divinely terminated.

    Let's just say... I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

  • undercover
    Presently (post Fred Franz) they hold that marriage and procreation will cease when the earth is full.

    I must have slept through a lot more meetings than I thought. I don't remember ever hearing that. Where is that written? How do they prove this through the Bible?

    Sleepy minds want to know.

  • czarofmischief

    That kind of thing was never really talked about. I guess it was too boring even for an organization that measured the pyramids in inches. But if you rummage through old Freddie books, or through the Aid book (had a lot more bizarre cultic info than the Insight book), you'll find lots of joynuggets. Like I said, you needed a reason to go looking for it to find it - like my mother wanted to legitimize her need to escape my dad. (Not that my dad was a bad guy, my mom just didn't want to be married).


  • peacefulpete

    The two views are that because Genesis says,
    " FILL the earth and subdue it" we have no
    reason to anticipate human procreation going
    on indefinitely. Or the view of Freddie,
    that the Genesis mandate was merely phase one
    of a much grander sceme to populate the universe.
    See the "prince of peace" book. I remember
    asking a woman who was married to an "anointed" man about
    how she felt about "soon" becoming a widow. She was visibly disturbed by the prospect. The best part is that the official view of marriage in the New World is that only those that put off
    marriage and family have reason to expect God to allow
    them marry. Among my friends we discussed this
    an concluded that we would have 2 subspecies of humans on earth, those that feel romantic love and have a libido and those
    who are like my strange uncle Vinny and seem contect to pla ards and read the Bible all day.

  • peacefulpete

    Another solution is for God to make each
    succeeding generation smaller in body size. In a dozen generations humans will be 6inches tall and everyone can go on procreating with no worries about the cat eating us as they will be vegetarians right?

  • Gopher


    Freddie was a real piece of work, wasn't he? He wrote those interminably long sentences that meandered from thought to could tell when he was the author of a Watchtower study article. The reader (at the WT Study meeting) would almost be breathless due to lack of punctuation.


    The writing committee should be calling you any day. Your ideas are much more refreshing and original then what the WT Society is dredging up these days. I'm quite sure you'd be able to find some Bible basis for your teachings, such as "man will shrink to 6 inches so as to be able to continue procreating". One problem... if cats die in paradise, these 6 inch humans won't be able to bury them or move them away. Cats will have to die in paradise if they continue at their normal size.

  • AS IF
    AS IF
    The JW vow says something to this effect: "I take (insert name), (insert other stuff), AS LONG AS WE BOTH SHALL LIVE TOGETHER UNDER (or "according to") GOD'S MARITAL ARRANGEMENT."

    Now when you read it as it appears above you get a little different meaning than when you read it like it should be read as below:


    Now notice how the insertion of the appropriate punctuation changes the scripture,er statement,uh command, uummmmmm B.S. Its funny they missed the most important line at the end of the ceremony. "You may now BEAT YOUR WIFE."

    AS IF

  • Gopher

    LOL, "AS IF".

    At the JW weddings I attended, the speaker never read the commas. They did treat the "under God's marital arrangement" as a separate portion because the whole thing was too long to remember. Oh well.

    I beat my wife, and she occasionally beats me. When we're playing cards, that is.

  • garybuss

    The application of the rule of "Absolute Spiritual Endangerment", equals divine termination.

    Sherry Veitenheimer , also from Spokane, said she was shocked to hear an elder proclaim that an abused woman should stay married to her abuser, but that divorce was acceptable if one spouse prevented the other from attending church.
    "Once you accept that someone else is speaking for God, to doubt that source is the same as doubting God," she said.
    The Spokane Spokesman, October 5 th, 1996.

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