I have been told that in Germany the new literature contains the new wording of a the revised version that hasn’t been released yet. So the scriptures quoted in the literature doesn’t match the wording of the NWT version they use either in print or online. Can anyone in Germany confirm that?
Yes - I can confirm this.
BUT: this does not apply to the entire German literature. It is only done in rare exceptional cases.
Here is one example from the April 2017 Watchtower, printed in Dezember 2016.
Of course, this has inspired the rumors in Germany, that the revised bible in german language would be released for the regional convention summer 2017. However, this has not happened.
(Richter 5:2) . . .Dafür, daß das Volk sich freiwillig stellte, Segnet Jehova.
They have changed the word "Segnet" (BLESS) (1987) into "preist" (Praise) (RNWT 2013).
If so it seems the new German version is complete but hasn’t been printed and distributed, similar to rumours about the Spanish version having been completed years ago.
Wild guess - to conclude from a few "finished" scriptural passages to the whole Bible
You can search in the german WOL "2013 Edition":
You will get 5 hits - where they quoted the RNWT in german publications.