
by JimmyYoung 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JimmyYoung

    I am seeing a lot of videos and articles on this issue. That its a myth the idea of overpopulation. I was listening to a talk radio speaker Ben Shapiro I like to as I work through the day. He was going on about the idea that overpopulation is a myth. I think the guy is smart and articulate but this is insane. You can not put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. We live on a finite planet and ever expanding population growth is not sustainable. I believe this is coming from the religious nuts that think god will make it all possible. I have heard these same people say god is creating the oil in the ground and it will last forever and that god can make the earth expand ect. The idea that population can keep growing and there not be food shortages and running out of resources is idiotic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNxctzyNxC0

  • WTWizard

    We have too many people that are just plain idiots. They are here just so they can serve as slaves for "god's chosen", without offering too much resistance while the reptilians eventually move in on us. We lack those who actually have common sense--these all have to die in stupid wars or get suppressed to death so the idiots can dominate.

    And then we get people like Bush, Osama/Obama, and KILLary in positions of power so we all get silenced or killed off if we are too smart.

  • Finkelstein

    Over population is a reality that all people in every country needs to accept , given how the worlds population has grown in the last century and what the worlds population would be going on the same growth rate.

    Statistics and data don’t lie , if one were to accept the pertaining facts like natural resources depleting and pollution from modern industrialization expanding over and above what exists now.

    Something to think about at least

  • eyeuse2badub

    No worry-- jehober is going to reduce the human population by 99.9% soooooon---very sooon!

    just saying!

  • Finkelstein

    Oh yeah I forgot about that !

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Overpopulation always corrects itself. The sad fact is those least able to care for population are the mosf prolific. We need to increase the internet to give these people better recreation choices

  • cofty

    The Roman Catholic church needs to repeal its dogmatic objection to contraception.

  • eyeuse2badub

    If all religions would just 'see the truth' and adopt the jw ban on blood, millions more would die and that would help with over population!

    just saying!

  • JimmyYoung

    The self correction is not ever going to be a good one. Its done by disease, and or famine and war. Its not a fun and games mad max kind of thing its more the road https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/ This was a movie that shows how bleak apocalyptic living really is.

  • JoenB75

    The great cure is contraception. The less good cure is diseases, famines and other means of death. There is certainly a limit to how many humans we can be on this earth. Average living is getting much better, famine is decreasing, infancy mortality is dropping. It is a complicated balance. We have to drown the poor in condoms so to speak.

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