Question about member numbers

by betweenworlds 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • betweenworlds

    I was wondering if anyone knew how the Jehovah's Witnesses stand as far as there numbers go in regards to other *newer* religions such as the Mormons, The Moonies, The Adventists, Scientologists, etc?
    I was wondering because this is a point that JW's will use when pointing that they are Gods people. (the fact that their numbers have climbed so quickly in a relatively short period of time, so they MUST have God's direction, blessing) Of course I think this is hooey! Thanks for everyone's input!

  • Fredhall


    Everyone have a right to choose a religion. If Jehovah sees an someone who dearly love him, he will grab them.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I'm not sure about all of them, but I recently read an article about the Mormon religion, stating that they have experienced very rapid growth. Their numbers right now stand at about 11 million.

  • Mulan

    Correction: Mormons are 22 million. JW's 6 million. I remember when the two groups were about the same in their membership. 25 years ago, I think.

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Deduct all the children that are forced to preach and get babtised and the numbers for the WBTS will shrink 10 fold.

  • LDH

    Good ?

    I've pointed out before that the Ba'hai, who started about 20 years before JW, also have about 6 million members. Only, they're not so obsessed with counting them as the JW are.

  • Monica

    Big Jim,
    I agree! I was just thinking about that this last week when I was looking at the numbers on baptisms and new publishers here in the US. I was wondering how many of those were converted and how many of those were JW kids coming of age. They just don't break that out, do they? It would also be interesting to know statistics regarding how many were DF'd, DA'd or how many are considered inactive.

  • Thirdson


    You can find some details, or a good indication at least, by subtracting from the currents year's average number of publishers the previous year's average. Subtract this amount from the number baptized in the year and the difference (a +ive number) is the number that left, were removed or went inactive.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • philo

    ::I was wondering because this is a point that JW's will use when pointing that they are Gods people

    I just want to point out this recent statement: "Jehovah is not impressed with figures"

    From Jan 1/2001 I think. A convenient new tack.


  • betweenworlds

    Thanks all! Now I have something to use when someone uses this line of...erm...reasoning.

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