Attila was actually done better. Then again, I'm not as familiar with the history either.
Julius Ceasar
by Yerusalyim 17 Replies latest social humour
yes i noticed you are a julius fan!
If the comparison between Rome and America is that both are ruled by megalomaniacs then another similarity is that the megalos were driven to it be the irrational and petty hatred of the opposition. Caesar was driven to march on Rome by people who wanted to see his ruin even if it meant the ruin of Rome. That too sounds familiar in America.
are you referring to the democrats?
PS: to drink a beer together one day would be great!
Hiya Guys!
well i was browsing around and i ccame accross this site. I am doing a research on Julius Ceasar and i saw the post and wow you seem to know alot on Julius so i was wondering if u would help me out i would appreciate it:)
Well i am an IB student and i have to do an extended essay and i chose Ceasar. My quesiotn is bascsically Why was Julius CEasar murdered by the senates......i know a one or two reasons but i was wondering if you can help me out and give me more beucae i need at least 5 or 6 points to do an extened essay....i think i need to do like 4000words so yea.....if that isn't a good Q on Ceasar...wat u recon i shoulld do? it has to be specific and to the point type of Q...can';t be like The History of Julius Ceasar.
Well hope to hear form u soon
thanks a lot !!!
He wanted 2 make himself king.
Hiya...well i don't htink that is true becasue rembmer he refused to be crowned 3 times.....he said that the crown belongs to Jupiter....or one of the guards i am not mistaken
No one even wants to make the connection between ancient Rome and America?
How bout this, although not Julius Caesar related: The parallels between the Romans no longer having the will to aggressively defend the borders of the Western Empire against the barbarians,it started with granting them citizenship, to finally paying them bribes not to sack Rome and granting amnesty to 10 million illegals yesterday.
Did they mention in the movie that he was also famous for his salad dressing ?
***** Rub a Dub
Lot's of reasons have been given as to why JC was assasinated...take your pick. But first, ya gotta wasn't "THE SENATE" that killed Ceasar...but a conspiracy of some Senators...about 30 in all...That was less than 1/2 of 1% of the Senate.
As much as some would like to claim it was to defend the Republic...the Republic was already long dead...
My own belief is that it was based upon Jealousy...Ceasar was a Populist...and the Cato's and Junius Brutus....etc wanted to protect their priveleges.
The hatred of Ceasar started quite early in his political career and never eased up.
Others claim that Ceasar was trying to have himself declared King of Rome...which isn't true as far as anyone can tell...on the other hand...Ceasar said that King was just a word...and in this he was correct.
Email me at [email protected] if ya wanna talk or need more info.
"Against Stupidity even the gods content in vain."