Been Meaning to Post that I'm a Collij Gradj-you-ate

by NeonMadman 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NeonMadman

    Well, a two-year grad anyway. I recently received the A.S. in Business Admin that I've been working on, like, forever. Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0 average.

    Now, I have to figure out where to continue my education, given that I want to study philosophy and religion, possibly with a view to teaching. My only option at this point is distance learning, since I need to work full time so I can pay alimony to my JW ex-wife, and can't "go away" to school. Suggestions are welcome...

  • sandy


  • Water

    Congratulations NeonMadman! I wish you the best in continuing your education.


  • outnfree

    How very exciting and inspiring, NM!!!

    Congratulations (obviously you used spell-check on all your papers? ) !!!

    I am pursuing a two-year degree (ALA), with a four-year B.S. in my sights, but I am fortunate to have an excellent university even closer to my home than our community college. Both of them offer some distance learning.

    Not sure about uni's with distance learning in your area in the subject matter in which you're interested. I'm sure you'll sort it out though.

    Again, congrats!

    Hope to be able to say the same in another 6-7 years or so.... LOL


  • Joyzabel

    Congradulations Neomadman! Wow and with "Summa Cum Laude" Whooohooo, you should be proud.

    There is nothing wrong with online learning as long as it is an accredited school. Stick to your plans and continue your education, just remember to enjoy life along the way.



  • nilfun



    Time to turn on the NEON and show your pride there NM!

    3 Cheers for Neon Madman : good for you, that's no easy task, but you did it!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


  • talesin


    in looking for funds for my education, it has been my experience that if i look hard enough, i can find funding for some subject that applies to me; i.e., women's funding, funding for people that have bad eyesight, funding for people whose parents worked for XYA business, etc. Do some intensive searching for grants, etc. that MIGHT apply to you.

    in the meanwhile - happy education, sweetie - it's just one more thing they wanted to deprive you of, and you are getting it!!!!!

    keep up the good work -- " the best revenge is living well". Education is freedom.

    F R E E D O M

    hugs - jk

  • talesin


    in looking for funds for my education, it has been my experience that if i look hard enough, i can find funding for some subject that applies to me; i.e., women's funding, funding for people that have bad eyesight, funding for people whose parents worked for XYA business, etc. Do some intensive searching for grants, etc. that MIGHT apply to you.

    in the meanwhile - happy education, sweetie - it's just one more thing they wanted to deprive you of, and you are getting it!!!!!

    keep up the good work -- " the best revenge is living well". Education is freedom.

    F R E E D O M

    hugs - jk

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