1975..Let's Keep It Alive!

by Englishman 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    I got baptised the year before, just to be safe. My parents had been divorced a few years earlier and my mom was dating a newly divorced MS from another cong.

    Since the end was near and it was summer, my mom and Brother DeLegge decided to load us up in his car and drive from Chicago to Disney World. Might as well see something that will be destroyed, huh?

    Disney World had recently opened. Epcot was under construction. The pirates of the carribean were still politically incorrect. We had 3 days of Mickey Mouse fun.

    Then we got back, went back out in service and waited....and waited....and waited....

    Then disco happened. And we knew the end had happened. We just didn't understand the passages properly!~~

  • jws

    In 1975, I was 8 most of the year then turned 9. I was finishing 3rd grade in the spring and starting 4th in the fall. Maybe I was too young, but I was raised a JW and never knew about the whole "Armageddon is coming in '75" thing. I know I had a healthy fear of Armageddon coming at "any minute" but not of '75 per se. Maybe my parents were smarter, maybe the congregation was too dumb to pick up on all the leading hints.

    I remember hype about the upcoming bi-centennial and doing a lot of patriotic projects in school (like making paper flags, etc) that I never told my parents about. Jaws was the biggest movie around, but the closest I ever got to seeing it at the time was through the pages of Mad magazine.

  • Shakita

    In l975 I met my husband in High School History class......didn't know at the time that we were making our own history....

    Then disco happened. And we knew the end had happened. We just didn't understand the passages properly!~~

    Ah...disco.......spent many evenings and nights bar hopping and disco dancing back in the late seventies and early eighties.....when the drinking age was 18.....makes me wonder how I ever survived.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • mouthy

    exw_ Veenstra!!!!Oh my goodness How could I forget him!!! He was the C.O that said I had to go to work( when my unbelieving hubby told him he wanted me to work) I had ten studies,4 kids,couldnt drive -so had to take two buses to" Kingdom Hell "three times a week. I have R Arthrites.So it was hard. But I did as the "DEAR" Knowledgable brother told me to do. I went to work.Then when 1975 didnt happen ,,I figuered it was because JAH wanted to save my family..... Later I was offered the job as assitant Managress of the "shop rite" stores of Canada -with a house etc: turned it down to "save"
    all the lost souls.......About 4 months after my refusal... They went out of buisness-I would have had a "bundle"of cash had I been there. GRRR!! Dont remind me of that guy!!!

  • xjw_b12

    Sorry to bring him up. I wish I had a tape of his talk at that Circuit Assembly.

    He was definately, "one of those brothers" who took the Franz hype, and all the anticipation at the Bethels, and turned it into his version of "Jesus Christ Superstar" " look at me everbody....I'm a prophet. He was most definately one of that group that "read more into it", that the WTBTS tried to blame, when they were trying to wipe the egg off of their faces.

    I wonder how many minutes older he is now, or how many minutes he has left. Another Canadian Bethel Patsy!!!

  • drwtsn32

    I was born in 1975. So I guess pain, misery, and destruction did appear that year.

  • mouthy

    I will forgive you xjw_ Boy! could he rope us in though. !!! Where ever he is I hope he is doubting..

    So if any of you Bethelites are reading this ( & I know you do) Please tell Dear brother Veenstra -we send our love -& if he would like a" Place of Refuge" he can come to my house.I have a bone to pick with him///

  • dottie

    I was born in '75 as well

  • Angharad

    I was conceived in 1975

  • Francois

    Englishman, that's - "Billy Jean King Wins Wimbledon - Lickety Split" Well, she DID.


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