Damn, I HATE Cleaning....

by teenyuck 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    Just got done cleaning the house. I hate cleaning. I just hate it.

    I love my home clean, however, I have come to the conclusion that I HATE cleaning.

    As I finished a task I would get back on here and post. It broke it up a little. And lots of music. I strap on an IPod and play it loud. Don't have to bother the neighbors with AC/DC and I can hear it over the vacuum cleaner.

    As I clean the three friggin' toilets in the house, I think about being a JW and all the cleaning experience people have from being dubs.

    Personally, I worked as a cleaning lady during college. (this was 20 years ago...the average at McDonalds was about $2.25 hr.) I was charging $10.00 an hour, with a 2 hour minimum and paid parking. I cleaned for single men in downtown Chicago. They all lived in highrises and I would drive up to the valet and let them drive my Pinto away!

    Overall, inspite of lots of experience and years of doing it, I still HATE it.

    Toilets are the worst. Wiping, scrubbing, etc. YUCK.

    Now I get to clean myself up and welcome guests for a barbeque. I just want to take a nap.

    Besides a cleaning lady any tips?

  • primitivegenius

    um always wash your hands afterwards lol hahahahahah. and i agree cleaning people never get enough pay for there efforts lol and are a godsend lol

  • Scully

    I HATE cleaning too. In fact, I just finished washing my floors (no, not with a mop - the old fashioned way on my hands and knees like friggin Cinderella!) for the last 2 hours.

    I have a theory about cleaning floors. It comes out of years of experience. Clean floors are "dirt-magnets". Floors cannot stand being clean. The clean floor creates a vacuum effect that sucks liquid out of cups and food off of plates and crumbs out of toasters. Clean floors are especially attracted to things like ice cream, sugary liquids, raw eggs, beet juice and pancake syrup (although they prefer pure maple syrup, Aunt Jemima will do in a pinch). They are particularly fond of the "business side" of the open-faced peanut butter and jam sandwich.

    Bathrooms are equally insidious. Like you, teenyuck, I have three toilets to clean. I won't go into the gory details, because (a) some of you are probably eating and I don't want to gross you out and (b) those of you who have ever cleaned toilets know exactly what I'm talking about. My husband and I had a MAJOR "disagreement" about toilets just last night. I would appreciate having just ONE toilet that is mine and mine alone. The other two in the house can be for everyone else. If I'm the one who's cleaning them (only because the grossness of the job seems to be beneath everyone else in the house - particularly those who provide the largest volume of grossness [not only that, but because I am "the nurse", people just seem to @$$ume that I derive some morbid satisfaction out of cleaning up things like vomit and other products of human metabolism - I don't; the people in this house, however, are unwilling to pay me what I would earn at work for doing those things]), then I think I should be entitled to one of my very own. Not because I'm being selfish. No, not at all. I am scientist at heart. All scientists love doing experiments. I want a designated toilet so I can do a comparison study, with my own designated toilet as the "control" in my experiment. Why is it so hard for people to understand that?? Why can I not have just one clean potty on which to sit my fanny, without having to spray it with Lysol first? Don't they realize how hard it is to spray a toilet with Lysol and wipe it down when you are in the midst of doing the I-gotta-go dance??

    *sigh* I think I've said too much.

    teenyuck, I have no words of wisdom for you, only condolences and sincere empathy.

    Love, Scully

  • Nikita

    No advice, I just want to 2nd your statement-I HATE cleaning, too!

  • berylblue

    I spend MUCH less time cleaning now.

    Used to be able to eat from the ceilings in my house.

    No more.

    Not to denigrate your cleanliness, but I just don't see the point. So much living to do, and less time every day.

  • teenyuck

    ROTFLMAO @ Scully!! That is so true!

    My husband has never cleaned a toilet. He has no appreciation for the efforts. However, when we are having guests, he insists the place is spotless. (He went golfing with the husbands of the couples who we are having over).

    I bought a new vaccum; the kind with the *wind tunnel*. I can see the dirt and hair (all cat) that goes in and have to empty it during the process of vacuuming. Nasty stuff in there!

  • dmouse

    I do most of the cleaning in my house (yes, I am a man! LOL) since my wife is a lazy cow.

    ...and, having been a jw, I have some professional experience in cleaning toilets. Personally, I find it quite satisfying - a sort of 'job well done' ethos.

  • wednesday

    I ran my own cleaning service once. got as much as $50 on hour(i was very fast). I also preferred the single men with good paying jobs(pilots are great)They are less demanding and are very grateful. I must have inhaled a ton of amonia and bleach. Now i don't clean as much, I generally clean on the weekends and then just tidy up all week. My house is not terribly clean, but it will do. I have read some books that were helpful, and if i could find them i'd give u their names(lol). the first one says the best way to clean is to get rid of clutter. then u just have less to clean. I agree. I just can't seem to part with all this junk. (help me) he makes a lot of amusing comments in his book, and also talks a lot about natural cleaning substances as opposed to inhaling toxic chemicals. He believes in built ins, saves a lot of cleaning work. a good wax on the kitchen floor helps repel a lot of those spills, and wipes up easy.

    yes the toliet is a womans job. At least it is for my 2 toliets. i got the bleach tablets so that helps a bit. Since it is just my hubby and i, i don't spray down my toliets, unless a quest has been here.

    I do remember one book, "talking dirty with the Queen of clean" . She gave great advice as to what products to use. for carpets, Spot shot is a very good product. Will get out almost any stain. If u have a few minutes, letting lemon juice stand on the counter acts as a natural bleach. (and smells good)

    If i think of any more tips will post. Mostly, i just lowered my standards. I just have more important things.

    i bet u can find these books by doing a google search on "housecleaning"

  • expatbrit

    You need ROOMBA!

  • Scully

    expatbrit writes:

    You need ROOMBA!

    YES!! I do need one of those!!

    Love, Scully (whose birthday is coming up, but will kill anyone who gives her an appliance on her birthday - unless it has a pair of diamond earrings to go with it)

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